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Growth and nutritional responses of bareroot Jeffrey pine on a Sierra Nevada surface mine to minisite applications of fertilizer and lime
Authors:Walker  R.F.
Affiliation:(1) Knudtsen Renewable Natural Resource Center, University of Nevada, 1000 Valley Road, Reno, 89512
Abstract:The effects of two controlled release fertilizers, Forestcote 22-4-6 + Minors and Dry Site 21-6-2 + Minors, and also dolomitic lime, on growth and nutrition of bareroot Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) were investigated. Forestcote, which consists of loose prills, and Dry Site, consisting of prepackaged prills, were administered with two rates, while a single liming rate was used. An acidic Sierra Nevada surface mine provided the study site, and all amendments were applied at outplanting to the backfill of augered planting holes. Without impacting survival, both fertilizer formulations enhanced seedling growth, particularly at a 16 g rather than an 8 g application rate, although Forestcote was marginally more effective in this regard. In contrast, liming at a 27 g rate induced severe mortality and offset much of the growth gains resulting from fertilization. Improvements in N and P nutrition, as revealed by foliar analysis, probably accounted for much of the growth stimulation exhibited by fertilized seedlings, but reductions in the uptake of potentially phytotoxic trace elements such as Mn and Al and increases in base cation/metallic element ratios likely also contributed. The high application rate was generally preeminent in eliciting these nutritional responses. Liming induced little alteration of seedling nutrition. Impaired water relations may have caused the unfavorable responses to this treatment.
Keywords:Controlled release fertilizer  Forest fertilization  Forest restoration  Land reclamation  Liming  Pinus jeffreyi  Seedling nutrition  Soil toxicity
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