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引用本文:赵乾坤,;王治国,;张光灿,;张超,;胡续礼,;张淑勇. 山西省水土保持功能区生态脆弱性评价[J]. 中国水土保持科学, 2014, 0(6): 16-22
作者姓名:赵乾坤,  王治国,  张光灿,  张超,  胡续礼,  张淑勇
作者单位:[1]山东省土壤侵蚀与生态修复重点实验室,山东农业大学林学院,山东泰安271018; [2]水利部水利水电规划设计总院环境与移民处,北京100012; [3]水利部淮河水利委员会水土保持处,安徽蚌埠233001
基金项目:国家公益性行业科研专项子课题“干旱瘠薄山地植被恢复与重建技术研究”(201104002-6); 水利部淮河水利委员会水土保持管理制度建设项目“国家水土保持重点工程区水土流失问题与防治对策”(HWSBC2014002)
摘    要:为了解山西省不同水土保持主导功能区生态脆弱性状况,利用全国水土保持区划成果及相关数据,采用主导因子分析、专家评判分析和层次分析相结合的方法,在评价山西省不同行政县(市)生态脆弱度的基础上,分析不同水土保持主导基础功能区生态脆弱性的分布特征,讨论山西省实施水土保持生态建设的重点区域及措施。结果表明:1)山西省不同水土保持主导基础功能区的生态脆弱性具有明显的差别,其脆弱程度表现为拦沙减沙区(强度脆弱)〉土壤保持区(中强度脆弱)〉防风固沙区(中度脆弱)〉蓄水保水区(轻中度脆弱)〉水源涵养区(轻度脆弱);2)山西省的水土保持生态建设,在土壤保持-中强度脆弱区、拦沙减沙-强度脆弱区和防风固沙-中度脆弱区应以做好综合治理工作为重点;在蓄水保水-轻中度脆弱区和水源涵养-轻度脆弱区应重点做好预防保护和监督工作。

关 键 词:水土保持区划  水土保持功能区  生态脆弱性评价  山西省

Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in functional regions of soil and water conservation in Shanxi Province
Affiliation:Zhao Qiankun, Wang Zhiguo, Zhang Guangcan , Zhang Chao, Hu Xuli , Zhang Shuyong ( 1. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration, Forestry College, Shandong Agrieultural University 271018, Tai'an, Shandong, i2hina; 2. Environment and Resettlement Division of General Planning and Design Institute of Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Power, Ministry of Water Resourees, 100012, Beijing, China; 3. Soil and Water Conservation Division of Huaihe River Commission of Water Resources Ministry, 233001, Bengbu, Anhui, China)
Abstract:In order to explore the eco-environment vulnerability in functional regions of soil and water conservation in Shanxi Province,the distribution characteristics of the eco-environment vulnerability in different primary function regions of soil and water conservation were analyzed,and the key areas and measures in carrying out the ecological constructions of soil and water conservation were discussed according to the regionalization and data of soil and water conservation,by using the method of combining principal factor analysis,the expert evaluation analysis,and the analytic hierarchy process. The results showed that: 1) There was significant differences in the eco-environment vulnerability among different regions,and the vulnerability degree from high to low followed the order of sand interception and reduction region( severe vulnerability),soil conservation region( medium and severe vulnerability),wind prevention and sand fixation region( medium vulnerability),water storage and holding region( mildand medium vulnerability) and water conservation region( mild vulnerability); 2) In the ecoenvironment construction in different soil and water conservation areas,the comprehensive governing should be regarded as the first priority in soil conservation region( medium and severe vulnerability),sand interception and reduction region( severe vulnerability) and wind prevention and sand fixation region( medium vulnerability),and prevention,protection and supervision were also very important in water storage and holding region( mild and medium vulnerability) and water conservation region( mild vulnerability).
Keywords:regionalization of soil and water conservation  functional regions of soil and water conservation  ecological vulnerability assessment  Shanxi Province
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