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引用本文:刘迪,兰进好. 玉米主要穗部性状的变异及相关性分析[J]. 广东农业科学, 2013, 40(17): 10-12
作者姓名:刘迪  兰进好
摘    要:为了明确玉米主要穗部性状的遗传变异规律,分析重要穗部性状间的相关性。以组合HN4*QN17 自交衍生形成的包括287 个家系的F2:3群体及其相应的亲本作为试验材料,按照随机区组排列进行田间试验。应用Excel2003 和DPS2000 对9 个主要穗部性状数据资料进行变异特性和相关性分析。结果表明,穗部性状呈双向超亲分离,9个穗部性状变异系数的大小两试验点(海南三亚和山东青岛)具有较好一致性,性状变异系数的大小顺序为秃尖长>穗粒重>行粒数>穗长>百粒重>穗行数>穗轴粗>穗粗>出籽率;除秃尖长外,穗粒重与其他7个性状均达到极显著的正相关关系,穗粒重与各性状的相关性大小顺序依次为行粒数>穗长>穗粗>百粒重>穗轴粗>出籽率>穗行数。说明秃尖长、穗粒重、行粒数、尧穗长性状变异系数大,在分离世代中有较广泛的选择空间;秃尖长与穗长、穗轴粗与穗粗性状间呈显著正相关性,在育种实践中同步改良这些性状有一定难度;穗行数与行粒数、穗行数与穗粗性状间的显著正相关性,在育种中同步提高这些有利性状是可行的。穗部性状间的变异规律和关联性可为该组合二环系选育中性状的取舍提供一定理论参考。

关 键 词:玉米;穗部性状;遗传变异;相关分析

Variation and correlation analysis of main ear traits in maize LIU Di1, LAN Jin-hao2,3
Abstract:In order to made clear the genetic variation and correlation of the main ear traits in maize, with the method of randomized block arrangement, field experiment was conducted to analyse the variation and correlation of 9 main traits in the maize 287 F2-3 populations derived from cross HN4*QN17 with Excel2003 and DPS2000. The results showed that the tremendous transgressive segregation for all ear traits was observed. The variation coefficient of ear traits were consistant in two experimental points (Sanya Hainan and Qingdao Shandong). The variation coefficient in size order was bald tip length>grain weight per ear>row grains>ear length>weight of hundred grains>ear rows>cob diameter>ear thickness>ration of grain weight to ear weight. There was significantly positive correlation between grain weight per ear and other traits except for bald tip length, the relative coefficient in size order was row grains>ear length>ear thickness>weight of hundred grains>cob diameter>ration of grain weight to ear weight>ear rows. The coefficients of variation were higher in bald tip length, grain weight per ear, row grains and ear length, which supplied more selection space in segregation generation.There was significantly positive correlation between bald tip length, ear length and cob diameter, ear thickness indicating that there was certain difficulty in improving these synchronized traits in breeding practice. There was significantly positive correlation between ear rows and rowgrains, ear thickness, indicating that it is practicable to improve these synchronized traits in breeding practice. Variation and correlation analysis of main ear traits provided certain theory reference for the second cycle line breeding.
Keywords:maize   ear traits   genetic variation   correlation analysis
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