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引用本文:孔四新,李海奎. 中外有机农业发展比较及中国有机农业的热点难点问题解析[J]. 农学学报, 2016, 6(8): 64-69. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-7774.2016.08.013
作者姓名:孔四新  李海奎
摘    要:中国的有机农业认证面积居全球第四位,整体水平较低。存在问题:有机产品单元规模小、产业化水平和附加值较低;单纯强调产品安全卫生质量, 而忽视生态协调、环境友好的理念和实践;现代生物防治技术、生物肥料技术、除草技术研究和推广滞后,不能满足有机农业规模发展的要求,生产成本高;山区有机农业基地的水土流失问题突出、土壤和大气污染对有机农业带来新的的安全风险;国内有机认证尚未与国际接轨,缺乏国际竞争力。对策:将有机农业作为生态文明建设的重要组成部分开展普及教育和宣传;国家对有机农业项目以重点扶持;开展国家层面的特色有机农业规模基地规划;完善有机食品专业人员的资格认定、职业规范,建立有机农业诚信体系;各大院所、有机农业相关机构和生产企业应加强合作,促进有机农业产学研结合,延长有机农业产业链;重视山区有机农业的水土保持问题,加强对区域有机农业基地土壤和大气污染的防控和预警;制定与国际标准接轨的、切实可行的有机农业标准体系,推动国际间有机证书的互认,提高中国有机产品的国际竞争力。

关 键 词:秸秆还田  秸秆还田  秸秆焚烧  农业机械化  就地堆肥  

Organic Agriculture Development: At Home and Abroad
Abstract:China is the fourth in the world in organic agriculture area certified , but overall level is relatively lower. The main problems: small size in organic unit, low industrialization level and added value is small; simply focus on product safety and hygiene quality, while ignoring the ecological harmony, theory and practice of environment friendly; modern biological controling technologies, biological fertilizer, weeding technologies and promotion lag, cannot satisfy the requirement of scale development of organic agriculture, the production cost is high; soil and water loss problem in organic agriculture in mountainous areas, soil and atmospheric pollution bring new security risks; domestic organic certification has not in line with international standards yet, lack of international competitiveness. The strategies: as an important part of the construction of ecological civilization education and publicity, organic agriculture; state of organic agriculture projects to focus on supporting the development of organic agriculture; characteristic scale base planning at the national level; improve the professional standard of organic food identification, professional qualifications, the establishment of credit system of organic agriculture, organic agriculture major; related institutions and production enterprises should strengthen cooperation, promote the integration of organic agriculture research and extension of organic agriculture industry chain; pay attention to the problem of soil and water conservation in organic agriculture, strengthen the prevention and control and early warning of regional organic agricultural soil and atmospheric pollution; develop organic agriculture standard system with international standards, feasible, and promote international organic certification accreditation, improve the international competitiveness of China organic products.
Keywords:organic agriculture   problem   strategy
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