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引用本文:文廷刚,王维新,杜小凤,顾大路,杨文飞,钱新民,吴雪芬,王伟中. 砂姜黑土区秸秆还田与肥料配施对夏玉米生育和产量的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2015, 31(17): 156-162. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb14120124
作者姓名:文廷刚  王维新  杜小凤  顾大路  杨文飞  钱新民  吴雪芬  王伟中
摘    要:为探索在苏北平原砂姜黑土区推广小麦秸秆还田技术,以‘苏玉23’为材料,通过设置小麦秸秆不还田、小麦秸秆还田和有机肥、常规肥配施等5种处理方式,研究了其对玉米出苗、茎秆形态、干物质积累分配和产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明:小麦秸秆不还田+不施肥料(T0)对玉米出苗质量、植株生长发育、干物质积累分配、穗部性状和产量及其构成因素均造成不利影响。小麦秸秆还田+肥料配施处理(T2、T3、T4)能显著改善当季玉米的出苗质量和幼苗素质,有利于植株的正常发育。与对照化肥处理相比,小麦秸秆还田+常规施肥(T2)虽能改善玉米出苗质量和茎秆形态,但对玉米穗部特征和产量有不利影响。T2处理缩短穗长,降低千粒重6.7%,导致减产8.4%;而小麦秸秆还田+有机肥配施或优化施肥处理(T3、T4)均有促进作用,出苗素质显著提高,其中以小麦秸秆还田+优化施肥处理(T4)效果最显著。与对照(T1)相比,T4处理的穗粒数和千粒重分别增加24.0%和6.7%,增产5.8%。播种后15天,T4处理的出苗率达到77.9%,比对照增加4.9%,出苗均匀度提高14.4%,为玉米增产提供了保障。可见,砂姜黑土区小麦秸秆还田能改善当季玉米的出苗质量、促进玉米植株的生长发育,有利于干物质向籽粒转移,配施有机肥和优化施肥能显著提高玉米产量,其中以优化施肥效果更佳。

关 键 词:盐生杜氏藻  盐生杜氏藻  DsSTPK  原核表达  纯化  

Effects of Wheat Straw Returned to Field and Combined Fertilizer Application on Growth and Yield of Summer Maize in Lime Concretion Black Soil Area
Abstract:In order to explore the promotion of technology of wheat straw returned to the field in lime concretion black soil area of northern Jiangsu plain, Suyu23, a maize variety, was adopted in the experiment. Five different treatments including no wheat straw returned to field, and wheat straw returned to field combined with organic and chemical fertilizer were applied to study the effects of different combination of wheat straw returned to field and fertilizer on emergence, stem morphology, dry matter accumulation and distribution, yield and its component of maize. The results showed that no wheat straw returned to field and no fertilizer treatment (T0) hampered plant growth, dry matter accumulation and distribution, ear traits, yield formation and emergence of maize. Wheat straw returned to field and combined fertilizer treatment (T2,T3,T4) significantly improved emergence and seedling quality, as well as plant growth. Comparing to control (chemical fertilizer only, T1), wheat straw returned to field and chemical fertilizer treatment (T2) impacted ear traits and yield of maize adversely. T2 treatment shortened spike length, decreased 1000-grain weight by 6.7%, and resulted in yield loss by 8.4%. However, wheat straw returned to field and organic fertilizer treatment or optimized fertilizer treatment (T3 and T4) promoted plant height, chlorophyll content, dry matter accumulation and distribution, ear traits and yield, raised emergence quality of maize. The wheat straw returned to field and optimized fertilizer treatment (T4) was the most significant combination. Comparing to control (chemical fertilizer only, T1), T4 treatment raised the number of grain per ear and 1000-grain weight by 24.0% and 6.7%, respectively, and finally increased yield by 5.8%. 15 days after sowing, the emergence rate of T4 treatment achieved 77.9% which was 4.9% more than control, its emergence uniformity was increased by14.4%, hence T4 treatment ensured yield increase of maize. Therefore, the wheat straw returned to field in lime concretion black soil area could improve seedling quality, promote plant growth and the transfer of dry matter to grain of maize, and yield of maize would be raised with the combination of organic fertilizer and optimized fertilizer. Furthermore, the optimized fertilizer treatment had better effects than organic one.
Keywords:lime concretion black soil   wheat straw returned to field   combined fertilizer application   maize   yield
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