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引用本文:董 鲜,戴陆园,徐福荣. 云南11个特有少数民族的茶传统文化保护与利用初析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2015, 31(16): 278-284. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb14120085
作者姓名:董 鲜  戴陆园  徐福荣
作者单位:(;1.云南中医学院中药学院,昆明 650500;;2.云南省农业科学院生物技术与种质资源研究所,昆明 650223)
基金项目:基金项目:科技部重大基础性工作专项“云南及周边地区农业生物资源调查”(2006FY110700);云南省科技创新强省计划项目“云南农业生物资源调查与共享平台建设”(2007C0219Z);云南省社会发展科技计划项目“稻类、普通菜豆、荞麦地方品种的高效利用研究”(2012CH009);云南省自然科学基金重点项目“滇西北农业植物资源和采食资源的传统知识调研与编目”(2010CC009);国家自然科学基金项目“‘昆明小白谷’孕穗期耐冷主效QTL qTFSP10精细定位、克隆与功能验证”(31260317)。
摘    要:云南茶文化具有悠久的历史和文化底蕴,为更好地保护和利用云南特有少数民族的茶传统文化,在文献资料查阅、问卷调查和实地考察等基础上,分析了哈尼族、傣族、布朗族、德昂族、阿昌族、基诺族、白族、纳西族、怒族、普米族和佤族等11个云南特有少数民族,在茶树驯化、种植、制茶、饮茶以及古茶树保护等方面的传统知识,发现云南特有少数民族茶文化既有本民族鲜明的独特性又相互交融。为更好地保护和传承这些丰富多样、宝贵的茶文化资源,提出云南特有少数民族茶文化保护与利用建议,通过开展茶文化旅游、建立云南民族茶文化理论体系以及古茶树保护区等措施,既增加了当地的经济收入、提高了对外界的影响力,又对当地生态环境及民族茶文化进行了有效的保护,实现各民族地区生态环境的保护与社会经济的发展。

关 键 词:玉米  玉米  硝基复合肥  苗期  生长发育  光合特性  

Preliminary Analysis of the Protection and Utilization of Traditional Tea Culture of 11 Unique Ethnic Minorities in Yunnan Province
Dong Xian,Dai Luyuan and Xu Furong. Preliminary Analysis of the Protection and Utilization of Traditional Tea Culture of 11 Unique Ethnic Minorities in Yunnan Province[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2015, 31(16): 278-284. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb14120085
Authors:Dong Xian  Dai Luyuan  Xu Furong
Affiliation:(;1.College of Chinese Materia Medica, Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kunming 650500;2.Institute of Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650223)
Abstract:The traditional culture type of Yunnan was diversified and has historical and cultural accumulation, especially with the rich and colorful agricultural biological resources protection and utilization. These traditional cultures occupy important position and play a very important role in the local economic and social development process. They are a treasure house of resources. Yunnan tea culture has a long history and culture background. To better protect and utilize the tea culture of Yunnan ethnic minorities, we analyzed specific characteristics of Yunnan unique ethnic minorities such as Hani, Dai, Bulang, Deang, Achang, Jinuo, Bai, Naxi, Nu, Pumi and Wa phenotypes in tea making, tea drinking and ancient tea tree protection, and with reference to the literatures, we conducted questionnaire survey and field investigation. Through analyzing the specific national culture development condition, we put forward the development model and strategies. Yunnan unique ethnic minorities have their specific characteristics in tea making, tea drinking and ancient tea tree protection. Through the development of culture tourism, the establishment of the theoretical system of ethnic culture and ancient tea reserves, local economic income could be increased, the outside influence could be enhanced, and both the local ecological environment and tea culture could be protected. The results showed that tea culture of Yunnan unique minorities had both unique and common characteristics. For better protection and inheritance of the rich and diversified tea culture resources, we proposed to promote both the preservation of the local ecological environment and the development of the social economy.
Keywords:Yunnan   unique ethnic minorities   tea culture   ancient tea tree   tea making   tea drinking
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