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引用本文:熊洁,邹小云,陈伦林,李书宇,邹晓芬,宋来强. 油菜苗期耐铝基因型筛选和鉴定指标的研究[J]. 中国农业科学, 2015, 48(16): 3112-3120. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.16.002
作者姓名:熊洁  邹小云  陈伦林  李书宇  邹晓芬  宋来强
作者单位:江西省农业科学院作物研究所/农业部长江中下游作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室,南昌 330200
摘    要:【目的】油菜是中国重要的油料作物,主要种植于长江以南区域,该区域铝毒害较为严重,铝毒害已成为限制中国南方油菜产量的重要因素之一。探讨油菜苗期耐铝性评判方法,筛选耐铝基因型,以便减少和防止铝毒对油菜的危害。【方法】以浙油50、中油杂12号、南油杂1号等23个江西省生产上大面积应用的油菜品种为材料,通过盆栽试验,考查铝胁迫处理和对照的株高、根长、根茎粗、地下部干重、地上部干重、叶和根中可溶性糖含量、叶和根中脯氨酸含量、SPAD等性状,以各性状的耐铝系数作为衡量耐铝性的指标,利用主成分分析法、隶属函数法、聚类分析法和逐步回归分析法,对不同基因型油菜进行耐铝性综合评价。【结果】在铝胁迫下,不同基因型油菜形态指标和生理指标对铝胁迫的反应不同,基因型间差异显著。相关性分析表明,各性状的耐铝系数间均存在或大或小的相关性,使它们所提供的信息发生重叠,这些单项指标不能准确评价各油菜品种的耐铝性。利用主成分分析法将10个单项指标综合成为4个相互独立的综合指标,可代表油菜耐铝性86.36%的原始数据信息量。再根据4个综合指标值的贡献率求出其相应的隶属函数值,并依据各综合指标的相对重要性(权重)进行加权,得到不同基因型的耐铝性综合评价值(D值)。通过聚类分析将23个油菜品种划分为3类,浙油50、德油5号、湘杂油2号等3个品种为耐铝类型,中油杂12号、丰油730等13个品种为中度耐铝类型,南油杂1号、创杂油5号等7个品种为不耐铝类型。为了筛选油菜苗期的耐铝性鉴定指标,分析耐铝性鉴定指标与耐铝性之间的关系,建立了耐铝性评价的数学模型,以D值作为因变量、各指标耐铝系数为自变量进行逐步回归分析,得到最优回归方程,23个品种苗期的耐铝性预测值与D值极显著相关。并且筛选出株高、根长、叶中可溶性糖含量、叶中脯氨酸含量等4项对耐铝性有显著影响的指标,可作为油菜苗期耐铝性的鉴定指标。【结论】采用主成分分析、聚类分析和逐步回归分析的方法进行油菜苗期耐铝性的综合评价较为可靠,既避免了单一指标的片面性和不稳定性,又揭示了油菜耐铝相关性状与耐铝性的关系。

关 键 词:油菜  耐铝性  主成分分析  隶属函数  综合评价  

Screening of Rapeseed Genotypes with Aluminum Tolerance at Seedling Stage and Evaluation of Selecting Indices
XIONG Jie,ZOU Xiao-yun,CHEN Lun-lin,LI Shu-yu,ZOU Xiao-fen,SONG Lai-qiang. Screening of Rapeseed Genotypes with Aluminum Tolerance at Seedling Stage and Evaluation of Selecting Indices[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(16): 3112-3120. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.16.002
Authors:XIONG Jie  ZOU Xiao-yun  CHEN Lun-lin  LI Shu-yu  ZOU Xiao-fen  SONG Lai-qiang
Affiliation:Institute of Crops, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System for the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanchang 330200
Abstract:【Objective】Rapeseed is the most important oil crop in China, and it is mainly grown in south of the Yangtze River, that is heavily contaminated with aluminum (Al). Al toxicity is one of the important factors that limit rapeseed production in south China. In order to reduce and avoid the harms of Al toxicity to rapeseed, breeding Al-tolerant varieties is a cost-effective and practical way. Therefore, screening and identifying of Al-tolerant genotypes in rapeseed is significant. The main purpose of this paper was to explore the methods of Al tolerance evaluation, and to screen rapeseed genotypes with Al tolerance at seedling stage. 【Method】The Al tolerance of 23 rapeseed genotypes which are cultivated in large areas of Jiangxi Province was investigated by a pot culture. Principal component analysis, subordinate function analysis, clustering analysis and step regression analysis were used to evaluate the Al tolerance of rapeseed based on the Al-tolerance coefficients of morphological and physiological traits under the condition of Al stress and control. These traits included plant height (PH), root length (RL), rhizome thickness (RT), root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), soluble sugar content in leaf (SSCL), soluble sugar content in root (SSCR), praline content in leaf (PCL), praline content in root (PCR) and SPAD. 【Result】There were significantly different responses of morphological and physiological indexes among genotypes under Al stress. Correlation analysis showed that Al tolerance coefficients had large or small correlation between traits, consequently the data provided were overlapped and only one single index could not accurately evaluate the Al tolerance of each rapeseed. Principal component analysis reduced the complex interrelationships between all indexes to four independent comprehensive components. The four comprehensive components could present 86.36% information of the raw data of the traits related to Al tolerance of rapeseed. The calculate membership function values were measured on the basis of the contribution rates of four comprehensive component values, and then according to the relative importance of the comprehensive components, these values were weighted to obtain the comprehensive evaluation of Al tolerance values (D value) for different genotypes. The cluster analysis was used to divide 23 genotypes into three kinds of Al tolerance type. Three varieties Zheyou50, Deyou5 and Xiangzayou2 were Al-resistant type. Thirteen varieties such as Zhongyouza12, Fengyou730 and so on were moderately Al-resistant type. Seven varieties such as Nanyouza1, Chuangzayou5 and so on were Al-sensitive type. To screen for the identification indexes of Al tolerance at seedling stage of rapeseed, and analyze the relationship between identification indexes and Al tolerance, a mathematical model of Al tolerance evaluation was built. The stepwise regression equation was established based on D value which was assigned as the dependent variable and the indexes of Al-tolerance coefficients which were assigned as independent variables. Al tolerance predictive value and D value of 23 rapeseed varieties were significantly correlated at seedling stage. The step regression analysis showed that plant height, root length, soluble sugar content in leaf and praline content in leaf significantly influenced the Al tolerance and could be the indexes to identify the Al tolerance in rapeseed. 【Conclusion】It is an effective way to comprehensively evaluate the Al tolerance of rapeseed by principal component analysis, clustering analysis and step regression analysis which could be used to screen genotypes of Al tolerance in rapeseed. It not only could avoid the bias and the instability of single index analysis, but also reflect the relationship between different Al-tolerance related traits and Al tolerance in rapeseed.
Keywords:rapeseed  aluminum tolerance  principal component analysis  subordinate function  comprehensive evaluation
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