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大额牛(Bos frontalis)与黄牛(Bos taurus) 的种间杂交研究
引用本文:和占星,王朋武,罗在仁,李春梅,尹以昌,亐开兴,王安奎,张继才,黄必志,袁希平. 大额牛(Bos frontalis)与黄牛(Bos taurus) 的种间杂交研究[J]. 中国农业科学, 2015, 48(13): 2676-2686. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.13.019
作者姓名:和占星  王朋武  罗在仁  李春梅  尹以昌  亐开兴  王安奎  张继才  黄必志  袁希平
作者单位:1云南省草地动物科学研究院,昆明 6502122 云南省肉牛工程技术研究中心,昆明 6502123 大理白族自治州家畜繁育指导站,云南大理 6710004 盈江县畜牧兽医局,云南盈江 679300
摘    要:【目的】探讨大额牛(Bos frontalis)与黄牛(Bos taurus)种间杂交利用及杂交育种前景。【方法】以云南黄牛(大理黄牛、德宏黄牛,n=379)和西本杂(西门塔尔牛♂×云南黄牛♀,n=136)为母本,大额牛为父本,采用人工授精进行种间杂交。母牛在输精后约60 d,通过直肠检查进行妊娠诊断,并对妊娠母牛进行跟踪调查,统计产犊数,测定云南黄牛及杂种牛的初生、6月龄、12月龄、18月龄和24月龄体重、体尺,观察调查杂种牛的主要外貌特征。【结果】①用大额牛冷冻精液累计输精515头母牛,平均受胎率和产犊率分别达73.98%和92.13%,其中黄牛母本的平均受胎率和产犊率分别为68.87%和90.81%,西本杂母本的受胎率和产犊率分别达88.24%和95.00%。②大西本杂(大额牛♂×西本杂♀)的初生、6月龄、12月龄、18月龄和24月龄体重分别为22.86、103.86、142.40、176.21和243.25 kg,比云南黄牛的11.73、82.42、108.37、124.60和132.10 kg提高94.89%(P<0.01)、26.01%(P<0.01)、31.40%(P<0.01)、41.42%(P<0.01)和84.14%(P<0.01),比大本杂(大额牛♂×云南黄牛♀)的17.70、102.19 、134.81、161.43和201.91 kg提高29.15%(P<0.01)、1.63%(P>0.05)、5.63%(P>0.05)、9.16%(P<0.05)和20.47%(P<0.01);大本杂的初生、6月龄、12月龄、18月龄和24月龄体重亦分别比云南黄牛提高50.90%(P<0.05)、23.99%(P<0.01)、24.40%(P<0.01)、29.56%(P<0.01)和52.85%(P<0.01);大西本杂初生到24月龄的平均日增重为301.90 g,极显著高于大本杂的264.67 g和黄牛的164.89 g(P<0.01),大本杂平均日增重亦极显著高于云南黄牛 (P<0.01);大本杂的初生、12月龄和24月龄体重的杂种优势率分别为28.21%、3.87%和4.20%,以初生重的杂种优势率最高。③初生时,大西本杂的体高和胸围分别比同龄云南黄牛提高8.38%(P<0.05)和8.34%(P<0.05),大本杂的体高和胸围分别比云南黄牛提高11.48%(P<0.05)和7.23%(P<0.05)。在6月龄,大西本杂的体高、胸围、腹围和管围分别比云南黄牛提高25.88%(P<0.05)、16.50%(P<0.05)、9.81%(P<0.05)和29.48%(P<0.05);大本杂的胸围、腹围和管围分别比云南黄牛提高10.89%(P<0.05)、11.10%(P<0.05)和21.23%(P<0.05)。在12月龄,大西本杂的体斜长、体高、胸围、腹围和管围分别比云南黄牛提高33.82%(P<0.05)、30.64%(P<0.05)、31.16%(P<0.01)、29.95%(P<0.01)和26.63%(P<0.05);大本杂的胸围、腹围和管围分别比云南黄牛提高11.41%(P<0.05)、13.34%(P<0.01)和21.86%(P<0.05);大西本杂的体斜长、体高、胸围、腹围分别比大本杂提高33.20%(P<0.05)、31.43%(P<0.05)、17.72%(P<0.01)和14.65%(P<0.01);在24月龄,大西本杂的体斜长、体高、胸围、腹围和管围分别比云南黄牛提高33.30%(P<0.01)、31.69%(P<0.01)、38.83%(P<0.01)、32.12%(P<0.01)和41.60%(P<0.05);大本杂的胸围、腹围和管围分别比云南黄牛提高22.69%(P<0.01)、24.42%(P<0.01)和40.92%(P<0.05);大西本杂的体斜长、体高、胸围分别比大本杂的明显提高38.72%(P<0.01)、27.83%(P<0.01)和13.16%(P<0.01)。表明杂种牛在初生时体高和胸围优势明显,6月龄以后以胸围、腹围和管围生长较为明显;特别是三元杂的体斜长、体高和胸围生长从12月龄开始明显地超过二元杂。④大额牛与大理黄牛杂交F1的初生体重显著高于大额牛与德宏黄牛杂交F1(P<0.05),但两者的各体尺指标比较差异不明显(P>0.05),表明大额牛与两地黄牛杂交效果基本一致。⑤成年杂种的外貌特征和主要习性与大额牛的非常相近。【结论】大额牛和云南黄牛种间杂交可行,杂种生长发育快,适应性强,杂种优势明显,且三元杂优于二元杂;F1代母牛可育,但公牛可能不育;大额牛与黄牛杂交利用潜力大,推广应用前景好。

关 键 词:大额牛  黄牛  种间杂交  生长性能  杂种优势  

Study on the Interspecies Crossbreeding Between Gayal (Bos frontalis) and Yellow Cattle(Bos taurus)
HE Zhan-xing,WANG Peng-wu,LUO Zai-ren,LI Chun-mei,YIN Yi-chang,QU Kai-xing,WANG An-kui,ZHANG Ji-cai,HUANG Bi-zhi,YUAN Xi-ping. Study on the Interspecies Crossbreeding Between Gayal (Bos frontalis) and Yellow Cattle(Bos taurus)[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(13): 2676-2686. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.13.019
Authors:HE Zhan-xing  WANG Peng-wu  LUO Zai-ren  LI Chun-mei  YIN Yi-chang  QU Kai-xing  WANG An-kui  ZHANG Ji-cai  HUANG Bi-zhi  YUAN Xi-ping
Affiliation:1Yunnan Academy of Grassland and Animal Science, Kunming 6502122Beefcattle Engineering and Technology Research Center of Yunnan Province, Kunming 6502123 Livestock Reproduction and Breeding Advisory of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Dali 671000, Yunnan4 Yingjiang Bureau of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Yingjiang 679300, Yunnan
Abstract:【Objective】To investigate the utilization and prospects in crossbreeding between the Gayal (Bos frontalis) and Yellow cattle (Bos taurus). 【Method】Interspecies crossbreeding were carried out on Yunnan yellow cattle(YY, n=379) and Simmental crossbred cattle (Simmental ♂× Yunnan yellow cattle ♀, SY, n=136) as the female parent inseminated artificially with frozen semen of Gayal. Pregnancy test of cow at about 60 days, number of calving were tracked, and body weight, body measurement, appearance characteristics of crossbred F1 were investigated. 【Result】Results were showed that: ① Rates of average conception and calving from 515 cows with frozen sperm of Gayal were 73.98% and 92.13%,thereinto rates of average conception and calving were 68.87% and 90.81% in YY, and 88.24% and 95% in SY, respectively. ②The body weights of crossbred F1 (Gayal × SY, MSY) at birth, 6-month, 12-month, 18-month and 24-month of age were 22.86, 103.86, 142.4, 176.21 and 243.25 kg, respectively, which were 94.89%, 26.01%, 31.04%, 41.42%, and 84.14% significantly higher than those of YY(P<0.01), and 29.15%(P<0.01), 1.63%(P>005), 5.63%(P>0.05), 9.16%(P<0.05) and 20.47%(P<0.01) higher than those of MY; Body weights of crossbred F1(Gayal × Yunnan yellow cattle, MY) at birth, 6-month, 12-month, 18-month and 24-month of age were in turn 17.7, 102.19, 134.81, 161.43 and 201.91 kg, which were 50.90%, 23.99%, 24.40%, 36.83% and 52.85% significantly higher than those of YY(P<0.01 or 0.05); Average daily gain(ADG) of MSY from birth to 24-month age was 301.90 g, which was significantly higher than that of MY (264.67 g) and YY (164.89 g) (P<0.01), and ADG of MY was also significantly higher than that of YY(P<0.01); heterosis rates of birth, 12-month and 24-month age of MY were 28.21%, 3.87% and 4.20%, respectively, especially heterosis of birth stage was the highest, which was more distinct than that of other age stage. ③Withers height and heart girth at birth were 59.09 and 60.09 cm in MSY and 60.78 and 59.15 cm in MY, which were significantly higher than those of YY(P<0.05); At 6 months of age, withers height, heart girth, abdomen girth and circumference of cannon bone of MSY were 106.47, 118.67, 125.18 and 13.66 cm, respectively, which were 25.88%, 16.50%, 9.81% and 29.48% higher than those of YY(P<0.05), and heart girth, abdomen girth and circumference of cannon bone of MY were 112.95, 126.65 and 12.79 cm, respectively, which were 10.89%, 11.10% and 21.23% higher than those of YY(P<0.05); At 12 months of age, body length, withers height, heart girth, abdomen girth and circumference of cannon bone of MSY were in turn 124.04, 125.00, 148.00, 165.08 and 14.60 cm, which were 33.82%(P<0.05), 30.64%(P<0.05), 31.16%(P<0.01), 29.95%(P<0.01) and 26.63%(P<0.05) higher than those of YY, and heart girth, abdomen girth and circumference of cannon bone of MY were 125.72, 143.98 and 14.05 cm, which were 11.41%(P<0.05), 13.34%(P<0.01) and 21.86%(P<0.05) higher than those of YY; body length, withers height, heart girth and abdomen girth of MSY were increase at 33.20%(P<0.05), 31.43%(P<0.05), 17.72%(P<0.01) and 14.65%(P<0.01) higher than those of MY; At 24 months of age, body length, height at withers, heart girth, abdomen girth and circumference of cannon bone of MSY were 147.00, 134.75, 163.50, 179.50 and 16.85 cm, respectively, which were 33.30% (P<0.01), 31.69% (P<0.01), 38.83%(P<0.01), 32.12% (P<0.01) and 41.60% (P<0.05) higher than those of YY; Heart girth, abdomen girth and circumference of cannon bone of MY were 144.49, 169.04 and 16.77, which were 22.69%(P<0.01), 24.42% (P<0.01) and 40.92% (P<0.05) higher than those of YY; Body length, height at withers and heart girth of MSY were increased at 38.72%, 27.83% and 13.16% higher than those of MY (P<0.01). It indicated crossbred F1 showed distinctly high on withers height and heart girth at birth, and distinctly advantages on heart grith, abdomen girth and circumference of cannon bone after 6 months of age, especially body length, withers height and heart girth of three-way crossing were more obvious growth than those of two-way crossing from the 12 months of age. ④Birth weight of crossbred F1 from Gayal and Dali yellow cattle was significantly higher than that of crossbred F1 from Gayal and Dehong yellow cattle, and various body measurements were not significantly difference between two crossbred F1. It indicated the effect of crossbreed was basically the same between Gayal × Dali yellow cattle and Gayal×Dehong yellow cattle. ⑤The mainly habit of adult crossbred F1 was highly the similar as Gayal. 【Conclusion】The results showed that interspecies hybridization of Gayal and Yunnan yellow cattle is viable, which put up good character such as fast growth, strong adaptability, distinct heterosis. Especially, heterosis of three-way crossing was better than that of two-way crossing; Crossbred F1 cow was fertile ability, but the crossbred F1 male was maybe infertile. Finally, interspecies hybridization of Gayal and Yunnan yellow cattle was good at utilization potentiality, popularization and application.
Keywords:Gayal or Mithun (Bos frontalis)  Yellow cattle(Bos taurus)  interspecies crossbreeding  growth performance  heterosis
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