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Blood serum characteristics of newborn pigs: comparison of unaffected pigs with pigs belonging to five mortality groups.
Authors:L. S. Svendsen,B. R. Weströ  m,J. Svendsen,A.-Ch. Olsson,B. W. Karlsson
Affiliation:Department of Farm Buildings, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund.
Abstract:The blood serum levels of glucose, hemoglobin, insulin, cortisol, albumin, alpha-fetoprotein, alpha 2-macroglobulin f and s, alpha 2-antitrypsin inhibitor and alpha 1-protease inhibitor were determined at birth in 5 clinically and morphologically identified mortality groups of pigs. These were compared with the levels observed in unaffected, apparently normal newborn unsuckled pigs. The blood serum profile of the pigs in the stillborn intra partum, weak, splayleg and trauma groups, respectively, as well as that of clinically normal splayleg littermates, differed significantly from that of the unaffected pigs. This was especially true for the levels of hemoglobin and the two macroglobulins. The importance of placental insufficiency causing chronic episodes of hypoxia which ultimately lead to a disturbance in organ development in the etiology of the mortality groups is discussed.
Keywords:perinatal mortality   glucose   hemoglobin   insulin   Cortisol   albumin   alpha-fetoprotein   alpha2-macroglobulin   alpha2-antitrypsin inhibitor   alpha1-protease inhibitor   stillborn   weak   splayleg   trauma   hypoxia
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