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A Comparison of 2 Pluse Oximeters in Dogs
Authors:Nora S. Matthews D.V.M.    Eliazbeth A. Sanders D.V.M.    Sandee M. Hartsfield D.V.M.  M.S.    Dana Mercer  Ann Wooldridge
Affiliation:Dept. of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery College Station, Texas
Abstract:Readings from 2 veterinary pulse oximeters (SDI Vet-Ox #4402 and Nellcor N-20V) were compared in 6 isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Simultaneous readings Of Sp02were recorded from 2 sites (toe and ear) over a range of inspired oxygen concentrations (15-100%), and compared to directly measured SaO2 readings. Greater variability of readings was obtained from the Vet-Ox, which failed to give readings 25% of the time. The bias (mean SaO2-Sp02) and precision (SD of bias) were calculated from the data for each oximeter. For the Vet-Ox, bias (precision) from the toe was +4.O (5.2) and from the ear +1.7 (2.2). The bias (precision) for N-20V readings from the toe was +1.6 (1.5) and from the ear +0.7 (1.5). Generally, both oximeters tended to underestimate SaO2; however, both overestimated at the lowest Pa02 values. Pearscn cowelation coeefficients were 0.81 for the Vet-Ox and 0.94 for the N-20V for the combined data, including value from probes placed on the toe and ear at all inspired oxygen concentrations. In the two locatiom from which readings were obtained, the 2 units performed quite differently.
Keywords:Pulse oximerty    dog    hemoglobin saturation
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