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引用本文:徐国伟,江孟孟,陆大克,赵喜辉,陈明灿. 干湿交替灌溉与氮肥形态耦合对水稻光合特性及氮素利用的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(7): 1239-1250. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.19451
作者姓名:徐国伟  江孟孟  陆大克  赵喜辉  陈明灿
作者单位:1.河南科技大学农学院,河南洛阳 471003
摘    要:  【目的】  探讨干湿交替灌溉与氮肥形态对水稻光合特性及氮肥利用的影响。  【方法】  以徐稻3号为材料,在防雨棚内按处理数量构建9 m × 1.5 m × 0.4 m水泥池,用于2因素3水平完全区组试验。因素1为灌溉方式:浅水层灌溉 (0 kPa,CK)、轻度干湿交替灌溉 (?20 kPa)、重度干湿交替灌溉 (?40 kPa)。因素2为氮素形态:100%NH4+-N (NH)、50%NH4+-N+50%NO3–-N (1/2NH+1/2NN)、100%NO3–-N (NN)。在水稻分蘖盛期、幼穗分化始期、抽穗期和成熟期取植株样品,测定水稻根系氮代谢酶活性、叶片光合荧光特性及植株各部位氮素含量。  【结果】  在相同氮肥形态下,轻度干湿交替灌溉根系硝酸还原酶 (NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶 (GS)、谷氨酸合成酶 (GOGAT)、谷氨酸脱氢酶 (GDH) 活性与浅水对照相比分别增加6.4%~80.4%、8.1%~85.9%、5.1%~61.8%与13.4%~94.0%;叶片光合速率及最大光化学效率得到提升;水稻产量、光合氮素利用率及氮肥农学效率明显提高,重度干湿交替灌溉则抑制根系NR、GS、GOGAT及GDH活性,降低叶片光合速率及最大光化学效率,最终导致水稻产量、光合氮素利用率及氮肥农学效率显著降低 (P < 0.05)。在浅水对照下,NH处理可改善根系氮代谢酶活性,提高叶片光合速率及最大光化学效率,有利于水稻产量、光合氮素利用率及氮肥农学效率的提升。干湿交替灌溉下,铵硝混合处理提高了根系氮代谢酶活性,增加了叶片光合速率及最大光化学效率,提高了水稻产量、光合氮素利用率及氮肥农学效率。相关分析表明,根系GS、GOGAT及GDH活性及叶片光合速率、最大光化学效率与氮素农学效率呈显著 (P < 0.05) 或极显著 (P < 0.01) 的正相关关系,而非光化学猝灭系数则与氮肥吸收利用率呈显著的负相关关系 (P < 0.05)。  【结论】  水稻生长期一直保持浅水层时,供应100%铵态氮可以充分发挥水肥的耦合效应,促进根系氮代谢酶活性,提高叶片的光合速率及最大光化学效率,有利于水稻的高产及氮高效利用。轻度干湿交替灌溉则以施用50%铵态氮和50%硝态氮混合氮肥最佳。

关 键 词:水稻   干湿交替灌溉   氮肥形态   氮代谢酶   氮素利用

Optimum combination of irrigation and nitrogen supply form achieving high photosynthetic and nitrogen utilization efficiency
XU Guo-wei,JIANG Meng-meng,LU Da-ke,ZHAO Xi-hui,CHEN Ming-can. Optimum combination of irrigation and nitrogen supply form achieving high photosynthetic and nitrogen utilization efficiency[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2020, 26(7): 1239-1250. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.19451
Authors:XU Guo-wei  JIANG Meng-meng  LU Da-ke  ZHAO Xi-hui  CHEN Ming-can
Affiliation:1.Agricultural College, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan 471003, China
Abstract:  【Objectives】  Water and nitrogen supplying has interaction on the rice growth and production efficiency. We studied the appropriate nitrogen supplying forms under different water conditions from the activities of nitrogen assimilation enzymes of root and the photosynthetic efficiencies of leaves.  【Methods】  Cement pits of 9 m × 1.5 m × 0.4 m were constructed under a rainproof shed, and used for a 2 factor three level of complete plot treatment, using rice cultivar of Xudao3 as the tested materials. The three levels of factor of water consisted of constant shallow water layer throughout rice lifecycle (CK), alternate drying and wetting under light drought (–20 kPa) and heavy drought (–40 kPa). The three nitrogen forms were 100%NH4+-N (NH), 50%NH+-N+50%NO3–-N (1/2NH+1/2NN), 100%NO3–-N (NN). At the stages of full tellering, initial panicle differentiation, heading and maturing, rice plant samples were collected for the analysis of root assimilation enzyme activities and leaf photosynthetic indexes, and the N contents.  【Results】  With the same N supplying form, the activities of NR, GS, GOGAT and GDH in roots, the photosynthetic rate and the maximum photochemical efficiency were increased in treatment of light drought, while the lowest results were all observed under the heavy drought treatments, in which the rice could not grow properly at all. Under different watering treatments, the suitable N forms were different. Under CK, 100% ammonium supplying treatment achieved the highest activities of GS, GOGAT and GDH in roots, the highest leaf photosynthetic rate and the maximum photochemical efficiency at the main growth stages, which resulted the increased rice yield and photosynthetic nitrogen utilization efficiencies (PNUE) and nitrogen agronomy efficiency (AEN). Under light drought condition, 1/2NH+1/2NN treatment achieved the highest enzyme activities, leaf photosynthetic rates and the maximum photochemical efficiencies, and the highest rice yield and N use efficiencies. Correlation analysis indicated that the yields and N efficiencies were positively correlated with the activities of GS, GOGAT and GDH in root, the leaf photosynthetic rate, the maximum photochemical efficiency at main growth stages at the 0.05 and even 0.01 probability levels, while negatively correlated with the non-photochemical quenching coefficient.  【Conclusions】  When a shallow water layer is kept throughout the rice growing, ammonium nitrogen is recommended, and in alternative wetting and moderate drying condition, ammonium and nitrate N should be supplied in the form of 50%NH4+-N and 50% NO3–-N. This study indicated that suitable combination of water and N forms could promote the activity of nitrogen metabolic enzymes in roots, increase the photosynthetic rate and maximum photochemical efficiency of leaves, and be conducive to high yield and efficient utilization of nitrogen of rice.
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