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引用本文:冯小杰,战秀梅,王颖,赵蔚,王雪鑫,李俊,何天池,陈坤,彭靖,韩晓日. 稳定性氮肥减施对春玉米氮素吸收及土壤无机氮供应的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(7): 1216-1225. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.19442
作者姓名:冯小杰  战秀梅  王颖  赵蔚  王雪鑫  李俊  何天池  陈坤  彭靖  韩晓日
作者单位:1.沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院/土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室,辽宁沈阳 110866
摘    要:  【目的】  稳定性氮肥减量施用在玉米上表现出良好的稳产和增产效果,但缺乏针对不同土壤和气候条件下春玉米生产的推荐施用量。为此,我们在辽中、辽南地区春玉米上开展了稳定性氮肥一次性施用最佳用量试验。  【方法】  2017年在辽宁省沈阳市和海城市两地开展田间试验。供试稳定性氮肥中同时添加了脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂。两个试验区均设置了不施氮处理 (CK)、普通尿素常规施氮量 (CK1) 和普通尿素减氮10%对照 (CK2)。沈阳试验区设置稳定性氮肥比其CK1 (244 kg/hm2) 分别减氮10%、15%、20% 3个处理 (S1、S2、S3),海城试验区设置比其CK1 (217 kg/hm2) 分别减氮10%、15% 2个处理 (S1、S2)。采集玉米生长季内各生育时期的土壤样品和植株样品,测定土壤无机氮含量和植株不同部位养分含量,每个小区单独采收,记录产量。  【结果】  与CK1相比,稳定性氮肥能显著提高玉米产量 (P < 0.05),且以减氮15%的S2处理肥效稳定,沈阳试验较CK1增产、增收幅度分别为7.5%、1795元/hm2,较CK2增产、增收幅度分别为11.1%、2808元/hm2;而海城试验产量与CK1没有显著区别,收入减少184元/hm2,与CK2相比,增产19.5%,增收2685元/hm2。与CK1相比,稳定性氮肥处理氮素表观利用率、氮肥农学效率和氮肥偏生产力依次提高10.4%~12.4%、3.4%~6.2%和6.5%~10.8%;与CK2相比,分别提高10.2%~12.2%、3.3%~6.1%和3.3%~7.6%。与普通尿素相比,施用稳定性氮肥显著提高了玉米生育中后期植株氮素吸收强度,稳定性氮肥各处理氮素总积累量表现为S2 > S1 > S3 > CK1 > CK2。土壤无机氮含量主要在0—20、20—40 cm土层表现出较大差异,总体上稳定性氮肥处理 (S1、S2、S3) 耕层土壤无机氮含量在玉米生育前期 (苗期、拔节期) 低于普通尿素处理 (CK1、CK2),在玉米生育中后期 (大喇叭口期至成熟期) 0—40 cm土层无机氮含量显著高于普通尿素处理,但总体上无机氮含量在0—40 cm土层中变化幅度较普通尿素处理平缓。  【结论】  稳定性氮肥减施可以维持或提高土壤无机氮含量。在沈阳试验点,稳定性尿素施氮量减少15%时,玉米的产量和经济效益、氮素累积总量和氮素表观利用率、氮肥农学效率和氮肥偏生产力等都最高;而在海城试验点,由于普通尿素投入量相对较低,最佳稳定性尿素推荐量为减氮10%。

关 键 词:稳定性氮肥   土壤无机氮   氮肥利用效率   氮肥减施   土壤氮素残留   春玉米   产量   经济效益

Effects of stabilized nitrogen fertilizer reduction on nitrogen uptake of spring maize and inorganic nitrogen supply in soils
FENG Xiao-jie,ZHAN Xiu-mei,WANG Ying,ZHAO Wei,WANG Xue-xin,LI Jun,HE Tian-chi,CHEN Kun,PENG Jing,HAN Xiao-ri. Effects of stabilized nitrogen fertilizer reduction on nitrogen uptake of spring maize and inorganic nitrogen supply in soils[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2020, 26(7): 1216-1225. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.19442
Authors:FENG Xiao-jie  ZHAN Xiu-mei  WANG Ying  ZHAO Wei  WANG Xue-xin  LI Jun  HE Tian-chi  CHEN Kun  PENG Jing  HAN Xiao-ri
Affiliation:1.College of Land and Environment, Shenyang Agricultural University/National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources, Shenyang 110866, China
Abstract:  【Objectives】  Stabilized nitrogen fertilizers have showed acknowledged effects in yield increasing and nitrogen input reduction, but lack the targeted recommendation for different soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, we conducted experiment to propose the optimum rate of one-time application of stabilized nitrogen fertilizer in spring maize in central and southern Liaoning Province.  【Methods】  Field experiments were carried out in Shenyang and Haicheng of Liaoning Province in 2017. The experimental nitrogen fertilizers were urea containing urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor. The treatments in both sites included no-nitrogen control (CK), ordinary urea control (CK1) and 10% less urea control (CK2), stabilized urea in application rates of 10%, 15% and 20% less than its CK1 (N 244 kg/hm2) treatment in Shenyang (S1, S2 and S3), and stabilized urea in rates of 10% and 15% less than its CK1 (N 217 kg/hm2) in Haicheng (S1 and S2). Soil and plant samples were collected in the main growing season of maize, respectively. The biomass and yield were investigated and the content of soil inorganic N and the N contents in different parts of maize plant were measured.  【Results】  The treatments of stabilized fertilizer increased the maize yield significantly (P < 0.05), and S2 treatment showed the most stable and highest yield. The yield and income in S2 treatment were 7.5% and 1795 yuan/hm2 more than those in CK1, and 11.1% and 2808 yuan/hm2 more than those in CK2 in Shenyang. The yield in S2 in Haicheng site was not significantly different from that in CK1 and the income decreased by 184 yuan/hm2, and the yield and income were increased by 19.5% and 2685 yuan/hm2, compared with CK2. Compared with CK1, the nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE), nitrogen agronomy efficiency (NAE) and nitrogen partial factor productivity (NPFP) of stabilized fertilizer treatments were increased by 10.4%–12.4%, 3.4%–6.2% and 6.5%–10.8%, and compared with CK2, the increases were 10.2%–12.2%, 3.3%–6.1% and 3.3%–7.6%. The stabilized urea significantly increased the N absorption intensity of maize in the middle and late growth stages. The total plant N accumulation intensity was in order of S2 > S1 > S3 > CK1 > CK2. The soil inorganic N contents (SIN) varied quite differently in 0–20 and 20–40 cm soil layers during the growing season. In the seedling and jointing stage of maize, the SIN contents of 0–20 cm layer in S1, S2 and S3 treatments were lower than those in CK1 and CK2, but from bell-mouthed stage to mature stage, the SIN contents of 0–40 cm soil layer were significantly higher. Generally the SIN content of the 0–40 cm soil layer in S1, S2 and S3 treatments varied less than that of ordinary urea treatment.  【Conclusions】  Stabilized nitrogen reduction can maintain or increase soil inorganic nitrogen content. At the experimental site in Shenyang , the maize yield and economic benefit, total N accumulation and agricultural efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer are all highest when using stabilized urea at 15% less rate, while At the experimental site in Haicheng, the optimum recommendation for stabilized urea is 10% less as the relatively low conventional urea application rate in the area.
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