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Evaluating the rumen‐protected lysine stability in forage‐based total mixed rations in vitro and determining the lysine Brix value
Authors:Saki Ishimaru  Mabrouk Elsabagh  Seiichi Saiki  Atsushi Haruno  Maki Nakamura  Hidetada Funo  Taketo Obitsu  Izuru Shinzato  Toshihisa Sugino
Abstract:Three rumen‐protected lysine (RPL) products (AjiPro®‐L, LysiPEARLTM, and Feedtech Bypass LysineTM: A, B, and C, respectively) were tested for stability in two forage‐based total mixed rations (TMR1, 41.3% dry matter (DM), and TMR2, 49.5% DM) (experiment 1) and for Brix value (experiment 2). In experiment 1, each RPL product (2 g each) and TMR diet (200 g) were mixed and stored in plastic bags at 20°C for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hr. In experiment 2, each RPL product (2 g) was dispensed into ion‐exchanged water (20 ml) and kept at 20°C for 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hr. At each time point, free lysine (Lys) content and Brix values of extracts were measured, and Lys release (LR, %) was calculated. All RPL products LR% varied with varying diets DM and increased with increasing of time exposed to diets; it was highest in C, followed by B, and then A. Water LR% positively correlated with that from diets and with Brix values of Lys dissociated in water. Our results indicated that Lys dissociation from RPL products is affected by diet DM content. Brix value may be used as a potential marker for RPL protection efficacy.
Keywords:Brix value  lysine release  rumen‐protected lysine  stability  total mixed ration
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