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引用本文:程延喜,孙晓环,郑朝春,李海波,兰磊,赵宽,王燕平,任海祥,傅蒙蒙,杜维广,盖钧镒. 东北大豆种质群体在长春的表现及其潜在的育种意义[J]. 大豆科学, 2017, 36(2). DOI: 10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2017.02.0165
作者姓名:程延喜  孙晓环  郑朝春  李海波  兰磊  赵宽  王燕平  任海祥  傅蒙蒙  杜维广  盖钧镒
作者单位:1. 长春市农业科学院,吉林长春,130111;2. 黑龙江业科学院牡丹江分院/国家大豆改良中心牡丹江试验站,黑龙江牡丹江,157041;3. 南京农业大学大豆研究所/农业部大豆生物学与遗传育种重点实验室/国家大豆改良中心/作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室,江苏南京,210095
摘    要:东北是我国大豆的主要生态区,长春是东北中部重要产区。本研究于2012-2014年以搜集到的东北地区各单位现存的361份大豆地方品种和育成品种作为东北现存的本地种质,观察该群体在长春地区的表现,研究其潜在育种意义。主要结果如下:1)东北大豆种质群体在长春地区平均表现为全生育期114 d(93.88~137.75)、蛋白质含量41.09%(36.68%~45.85%)、油脂含量21.94%(19.00%~23.94%)、蛋脂总量63.09%(59.49%~66.24%)、百粒重20.53 g(9.47~28.20 g)、株高约83.82 cm(45.8~146.8 cm)、主茎16.7节(10.3~25.3)、分枝2个(0.1~10.1)、倒伏2级左右(1.4~4.0)。2)当地适合熟期组为MG0/MG I,生育天数在120 d左右。MG000、MG00生育天数集中在98~104 d,不能充分利用当地的自然条件;株高、节数均比MG0/MG I低约20~28 cm、3~4节。MGⅡ/MGIII在长春不能稳定成熟,其株高、主茎节数比MG0/MG I高约25~35 cm、2~3节。至于籽粒性状(蛋白质含量、油脂含量和百粒重),不同熟期组间绝对值差异不大,而各熟期组内均含有表现突出的资源。3)根据各农艺品质性状在长春表现,油脂和蛋白质含量遗传率高但相对遗传进度较低,需加大选育强度;蛋脂总量的改良应建立在蛋白质、油脂改良的基础上;本群体在倒伏性状上潜力有限,应通过引进新的种质来进行改良。4)长春当地的82个地方/育成品种(共88个,其中6个育成品种未查到系谱资料)共有99个祖先亲本,这些祖先亲本主要来源于当地,其次为黑龙江省和国外;其中衍生品种最多的前20个祖先亲本对群体的贡献率约63%,衍生品种最多的前5个祖先亲本衍生品种数及贡献率分别为金元(58,6.35%)、铁荚四粒黄(50,8.16%)、十胜长叶(49,6.61%)、嘟噜豆(44,4.02%)、四粒黄(P340)(41,6.36%);虽然当地育成品种平均含有9.3个祖先亲本,但当地品种的遗传基础仍较为狭窄,需通过其它地区资源扩展当地种质的遗传基础。

关 键 词:东北春大豆  熟期组  农艺品质性状  遗传变异  育种潜势  祖先亲本

Characteristics and Breeding Potential of Northeast China Soybean Germplasm Population in Changchun Area
Abstract:Northeast China is a major ecoregion for soybean production in China,and of which,Changchun region is a major area.A soybean germplasm population composed of 361 landraces and released cultivars collected in Northeast China was tested in Changchun in 2012-2014 for evaluation of its characterization and genetic potential in local breeding programs.The following results were obtained:1) The average performances with ranges of agronomic and seed quality traits were characterized as that whole growth period was 114 d (93.88-137.75 d),protein content/oil content/total protein and oil/100-seed weight were 41.09% (36.68%-45.85%),21.94% (19.00%-23.94%),63.09% (59.49%-66.24%)and 20.53 g (9.47 -28.2 g),plant height,nodes on main stem,number of branches and lodging score were 83.82 cm (45.8-1146.8 cm),16.7nodes (10.3-25.3),(0.1-10.1) and 2.6(1.4-4.0),respectively.2) Group MG0/MG Ⅰ especially MG Ⅰ was the best adapted maturity period groups that could fully utilize the local frost-free period for which the days to maturity was 120 d.Groups MG000,MG00 matured in about 98-104 d,could not fully utilize the local frost-free period;while their plant height and nodes on main stem were about 20-28 cm and 3-4 nodes less than those of MG0/MGⅠ,respectively.Group MGⅡ / MGⅢ did not mature naturally,plant heights and nodes on main stem were about 20-35 cm and 2-3 nodes more than those of MG0/MG Ⅰ.Seed quality traits (protein content,oil content and protein + oil content)of all groups were similar,while each group has elite cultivars in seed quality traits.3)There were certain breeding potentials for all the agronomic and seed quality traits,the heritiability values were higher while the relative genetic progresses were lower for oil content and protein content,suggesting these traits need more genetic improvement;the improvement of protein + oil content should be based on the improvement of the respective two traits;however,in this local population,there was little potential in the lodging score improvement,except for some new germplasm introduced from other areas.4) The 82 local varieties could be traced to the 99 ancestors (the total number of varieties in Changchun area was 88,but no pedigree record could be traced for six released cultivars) in an average of 9.3 ancestors per variety.The 99 ancestors are mainly from the local area with some from Heilongjiang and abroad.The genetic contribution rate of the 20 ancestors out of the 99 ones from which most of the varieties derived accounted for 63% of the total germplasm of the 82 local varieties.The top ancestors were Jinyuan (58 varieties derived from it with total contribution rate to the 82 varieties of 6.35%),Tiejiasilihuang (50,8.16%),Shishengchangye (49,66%),Duludou (44,4.02%) and Silihuang (P340) (41,6.36%).The genetic background of the local varieties was relatively narrow and was to be expanded through introduction of germplasm from outside areas.
Keywords:Northeast spring-sowing soybean  Maturity group  Agronomic and seed quality traits  Genetic variation  Breeding potential  Ancestor
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