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Microbial Populations and Enzyme Activities in Soil Treated with Pesticides
Authors:Omar  S. A.  Abdel-Sater  M. A.
Affiliation:1. Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Abstract:The effect of soil treatment with brominal (a herbicide) and theinsecticide selecron (the equivalent field rates and five-fold) on population counts of bacteria, actinomycetes and celluloyticfungi in soil was tested throughout 10 weeks incubation at28 °C. Also, tested their effect on four soil enzymes:cellulase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase andarylsulphatase. Bacterial and actinomycetes populations in soiltreated with the two pesticides were promoted at fieldapplication rates and inhibited at higher levels. The twopesticides significantly decreased the total number ofcellulolytic fungi and most fungal species after most incubationperiods either by one or the two used levels but the effect ofselecron was more pronounced.Cellulase activity in soil treated with brominal and selecronwas inhibited after most incubation periods. The effect of soiltreatment with the two pesticides on acid phosphatase waspromotive at field application rates after some incubationperiods but the enzyme activity was delayed at the higherapplication doses. Alkaline phosphatase activity in treated soilwas accelerated with both pesticides even at the higherapplication rates, suggesting a direct role of alkaline soil pHin increasing resistance of alkaline phosphatase to pesticides.The effect of soil treatment with pesticides on arylsulphataseactivity fluctuated between promotion and inhibition, butinhibition was predominant.
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