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A novel approach for estimating the relation betweenK/S value and dye uptake in reactive dyeing of cotton fabrics
Authors:Behcet Becerir
Affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, 214122, China;
Abstract:This paper focuses on the application of a novel mathematical limit approach derived forK/S values in reactive dyeing of cotton fabrics. The relation obtained from Kubelka-Munk equation is used because the Kubelka-Munk equation is the basic relationship among fabric reflectance, fabric dye content and dyestuff characteristics. The limit approach derived in a former paper is applied to the laboratory dyeings and the dyeing behavior of some reactive dyes on cotton knitted fabric has been obtained. The results of the laboratory experiments are discussed using the new mathematical approach. When the actualK/S values obtained from the dyeings and the calculatedK/S values derived by the limit approach are considered independently, it is observed that the limit relation is valid for low dye concentration applications. When theK/S values are calculated taking theK/S value of the initial dyeing concentration (0.1 % owf) as the starting concentration by applying the result of the derived limit approach, the calculatedK/S values fit with the ones obtained in actual dyeings. It is concluded that the novel approach presented in the paper can be used in calculating theK/S values when the initial dyeings at low dye concentrations are carefully carried out.
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