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Hollow selection by vertebrate fauna in forests of southeastern Australia and implications for forest management
Authors:P. Gibbons  D.B. LindenmayerS.C. Barry  M.T. Tanton
  • a Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, 0200, Australia
  • b Department of Statistics and Econometrics, The Australian National University, Canberra, 0200, Australia
  • c Department of Forestry, The Australian National University, Canberra, 0200, Australia
  • Abstract:We examined the types of hollows, and types of hollow-bearing trees, occupied by vertebrate fauna in temperate eucalypt forests in southeastern Australia. Hollow-bearing trees are selected for retention in wood production forests to mitigate the effects of logging on hole-nesting fauna. A total of 471 hollows was examined in 228 trees felled as part of routine logging operations. Fauna had occupied 43% of all hollows (?2cm minimum entrance width; ?5cm depth). Hollows with small (2-5cm), medium (6-10cm) and large (>10cm) minimum entrance widths had occupancy rates of 29, 44 and 62%, respectively. The internal dimensions of hollows, especially hollow depth, were the best predictors of hollow occupancy, even when variables measured at the tree and site levels were considered. Fauna occupied 57% of all hollow-bearing trees. In a Poisson regression model, the number of hollows in trees that contained evidence of occupancy was positively associated with: (1) the total number of hollows visible in the tree; (2) the proportion of the tree's crown that contained dead branches; and (3) tree diameter. The number of different vertebrate species that occupied trees was positively associated with the same explanatory variables except tree diameter. Thus, our results suggest that trees with multiple hollows and dead branches in the crown should be preferentially selected for occupancy by hollow-using fauna. Our results suggest that trees with the largest diameter are not the most suitable for retention. Possibly because they contain proportionally fewer hollows with small entrances, which are favoured by some vertebrate species.
    Keywords:Cavity   Hollow-nesting   Fauna   Habitat   Snags
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