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引用本文:郭保卫,胡雅杰,钱海军,曹伟伟,邢志鹏,张洪程,戴其根,霍中洋,许轲,魏海燕. 秸秆还田下适宜施氮量提高机插稻南粳9108产量和群体质量[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2015, 29(5): 511-518. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001G7216.2015.05.008
作者姓名:郭保卫  胡雅杰  钱海军  曹伟伟  邢志鹏  张洪程  戴其根  霍中洋  许轲  魏海燕
作者单位:扬州大学 农业部长江流域稻作技术创新中心/江苏省作物遗传生理国家重点实验室培育点, 江苏 扬州 225009
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划重大项目(2011BAD16B03)江苏省农业科技自主创新基金资助项目(CX[12]1003.9,CX[15]1002)江苏省科技支撑计划资助项目(BE2012301, BE2013394, BE2015340)江苏省三新工程资助项目(SXGC[2014])
摘    要:为探明秸秆还田条件下机插稻适宜施氮量,阐明机插稻产量和高质量群体形成对氮肥响应的特点,在大田秸秆全量还田条件下,以优质食味水稻南粳9108为材料,设置0、135.0、202.5、270.0、337.5、405.0 kg/hm2等6种施氮水平,研究氮肥用量对机插稻产量及其构成和群体质量的影响。结果表明,随着施氮量增加,机插稻产量先增加后减少,以施氮量为270 kg/hm2产量最高。产量提高的主要原因是较高的群体颖花量,在施氮量为270 kg/hm2 条件下,机插稻群体颖花量达最大值。机插稻单位面积穗数随着施氮量增加而增加,每穗粒数先增后减,而结实率和千粒重表现为递减趋势。随着氮肥用量增加,机插稻分蘖中期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期的茎蘖数、叶面积指数、光合势和干物质积累量均呈递增趋势,而抽穗后干物质积累量、成穗率、有效叶面积率、高效叶面积率和粒叶比呈先增后降的趋势。因此,秸秆还田后适当增加施氮量利于提高机插稻产量,优化群体质量。

关 键 词:秸秆还田  施氮量  机插稻  产量  群体质量  

Optimal Nitrogen Rate Improves Grain Yield and Population Quality of Mechanical Transplanted Rice Nanjing 9108 Under Straw Manuring
Bao-wei GUO,Ya-jie HU,Hai-jun QIAN,Wei-wei CAO,Zhi-peng XING,Hong-cheng ZHANG,Qi-gen DAI,Zhong-yang HUO,Ke XU,Hai-yan WEI. Optimal Nitrogen Rate Improves Grain Yield and Population Quality of Mechanical Transplanted Rice Nanjing 9108 Under Straw Manuring[J]. Chinese Journal of Rice Science, 2015, 29(5): 511-518. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001G7216.2015.05.008
Authors:Bao-wei GUO  Ya-jie HU  Hai-jun QIAN  Wei-wei CAO  Zhi-peng XING  Hong-cheng ZHANG  Qi-gen DAI  Zhong-yang HUO  Ke XU  Hai-yan WEI
Affiliation:Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in the Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
Abstract:To determine the optimal nitrogen rate for mechanical transplanted rice(MTR) with straw manuring and to clarify the effects of nitrogen rate on grain yield and the formation of high quality population, the good eating quality rice Naning 9108 was field-grown to investigate the yield and yield components and population quality of MTR with straw manuring in 2013 and 2014. Results showed that, yield of MTR increased and then reduced with increasing nitrogen rate. At a nitrogen rate of 270 kg/hm2, the grain yield of MTR peaked, which is mainly due to high spikelet number of the population. With increasing nitrogen rate, panicle number of MTR increased, spikelet number per panicle increased and then reduced, filled grain percentage and 1000-grain weight followed a declining tendency. The number of stem and tiller, leaf area index, photosynthetic potential, dry matter accumulation increased with increasing nitrogen rate, but dry matter accumulation after heading, percentage of productive tiller, leaf area rate of productive tillers, leaf area rate of flag leaf to 3rd leaf from top of productive tillers and spikelet per leaf area increased and then reduced. Therefore, optimal nitrogen rate improves grain yield of MTR and optimizes population quality.
Keywords:straw manuring  nitrogen rate  mechanical transplanted rice  yield  population quality  
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