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引用本文:海力且木.斯依提 朱美玲. 关于加强新疆乡镇政府建设[J]. 中国农学通报, 2010, 26(18): 425-432
作者姓名:海力且木.斯依提 朱美玲
摘    要:新疆地处祖国西北边陲和亚欧腹地,周边与多个国家相邻,区内多个民族、多种宗教并存。新疆是我国拥有后备资源最多、开发潜力最大的一个省区,具有从资源上支撑全国经济发展的重要战略地位。新疆是我国少数民族聚居地区,民族问题和宗教问题比较突出,民族问题和宗教问题往往交织在一起,并且容易为“三股势力”所利用,新疆境内外“三股势力”是危害国家统一、破坏民族团结和社会政治稳定的主要危险,“7.5”事件是个典型的例子。新疆在维护祖国统一和社会安定方面处于重要的战略地位。同时,新疆的经济发展水平相对落后,而且区域内部经济发展状况不均衡。新疆人口素质尤其是农村人口素质偏低,农民在从事生产经营对基层政府的依赖性比较强。新疆的特殊区情决定了在新疆乡镇政府的作用不能忽视。因此,本文通过分析新疆的特殊区情,认为在新疆尤其是经济欠发达地区加强乡镇政府的管理职能非常重要。下面通过南北疆各选一个典型的县具体情况的分析,找出新疆区情的特殊性,并找出特殊区情对新疆乡镇政府管理职能的影响,以及在此基础上提出了新疆乡镇政府较好的发挥作用、保证新疆农村各项事业发展的对策建议。

关 键 词:西芹黄萎病  西芹黄萎病  杀菌剂  毒力测定  EC50  

Strengthening the Construction of Township Government
Halqam·Seyit,Zhu Meiling. Strengthening the Construction of Township Government[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2010, 26(18): 425-432
Authors:Halqam·Seyit  Zhu Meiling
Affiliation:(The College of Economics and Management in Xinjiang University of Agricultural, Urumqi 830052)
Abstract:Xinjiang has the most reserved resources and the largest potential to develop in China. It has an important strategic position which supports the national economic development from resources. It is minority settlement area. Ethnic issues and religious issues become emergent. They are often intertwined and easy to be used by 3 kinds of power. Xinjiang is in the important strategic position of maintaining national unity and social stability. Meanwhile, Xinjiang's economic development lags behind, and economic development within the region is not balanced. The quality of the population in Xinjiang is low, especially in rural population. The farmers have strong dependence of basic level government in production and operation. The special regional situation of Xinjiang determines that the role of township government can not be ignored. Therefore, analyzing the special situation of Xinjiang, this text thinks that it is very important to strengthen management functions of township government. Analyzing the typical situation of counties selected southern and northern Xinjiang regions, this article identifies the special situation in Xinjiang and the affection of the special situation to the administrative functions of township government. And then, this article provides some countermeasures and proposals on playing a better role of township government and ensuring the development of various undertakings in Xinjiang rural countermeasures.
Keywords:Xinjiang  township government  function  specialty
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