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引用本文:王宇霖,宗学普,魏闻东. 全国桃区划研究[J]. 果树学报, 1984, 0(2)
作者姓名:王宇霖  宗学普  魏闻东
摘    要:<正> 桃是我国南北自古以来栽培最普遍的一种果树。桃果色泽艳丽,汁多味美,许多品种具有悦人的桃香,是我国广大人民群众深爱食用的一种水果,由于桃果风味鲜美、营养丰富,有益人体健康,因此,自古以来,桃果就享有“仙桃”的美称。此外,桃果加工制作罐头,是国际上最受欢迎的水果罐头品种。本文研究的目的在于通过对我国桃生

Abstract:China is the native home of cultivated peaches. Peach is a very popularfruit in China. This article consists of three parts; 1) Situation of peachgrowing in China; 2) Regionalizing peach growing areas in accordancewith ecological conditions; and 3) Regionalization of commercial productionbases. According to the statistics of 14 provinces, autonomous regions and centralmunicipalities, the land under peach growing in 1978 amounted to 46 thousandha., and the output was 470 thousand tons. The majority of the output wentfor fresh markets. The leading peach growing provinces are Honan,Hopei, Shantung, Kiangsu, Chekiang, Shensi and Sinkiang autonomousregion. The characteristics of peach growing in China is quite dispearse,the concentrrated growing areas are quite few. The most concentrated growingarea is Fenghua county, Chekiang province, the peach growing land hereamounts to 800 ha. It's a famous peach growing area in south China, thevariety "YU--LU" enjoys the best reputation in China and abroad. It's socalled "Shuimitao" type. This variety is especially good for fresh use, butalso good for canning. In north China, there are two areas worthy tomake mention, one is the Shen county, Hopei province, and the other isFeicheng county, Shantung province。There are two famous varieties: she-nchow hungmi and Feichengtao widely grown there. The peach is not hardy fruit tree. The most hardy varieties can only resist-25℃ .When the temperature goes down below-25℃, the fruit buds will be serio-usly damaged, so the absolute minimum temperature -25℃ isotherm is a linefor commercial peach growing. From this line to north, the peach can'tbe commercially cultivated. This line is roughly going westward from Dantung,Chichow, Liaoning province; Chengteh, Changjiakow, Hopei province;Hochi, Shansi province, wuchi, Shensi province; Lanchow. Kansu province, and then southward down to Shiangcheng, Szechuan province. The southlimiting line is from Wenchow, Jianyang, Chekiang province; Sinning, Hunanprovince; Dooshan, Kweichow province westward to Kunming, BikiangYunan province. The vast area between these two lines are all suitable forcommercial peach growing。 The authers of this article, after evaluation of ecological and social condi-tions of different areas, indicate China should greatly develope the canningpeach growing ih order to meet the demand of canned peaches of the peo-ple. The authers consider that the Fenghua, Hangchow, Shanghai, Suchow,Linyi, Chowkow, Chengtu, Peking, Dairen should be developed into bigcanning peach production bases, and the Shenshian county and Feicheng co-unty should be special peach production bases for fresh markets。
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