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摘    要:本文概括性的介绍了我国电子计算机的发展史,并从育种学、生态学、农业气象学和农业经营管理等各个学科的应用方面阐明了微型机在农业研究中应用的意义及其前景,作者根据统计模型使用BASIC语言编写了适用于PC——1500机的常用程序,因限于篇幅本文仅发表有关描述统计的三个程序,并以实例阐明了程序的统计意义和使用方法。

The Application of Microcomputers to Agricultural Research
Abstract:This artical summarizes the development of computers in our country. In view of the continuously growing needs for computers in breeding, ecology, meteoroiogy, management, and other areas of agricultural research, it explains the significance and prosects for the use of computers, In order to quickly spread and popularize the use of computers in agrieutural research, a statistical model and BASIC Ianguage were used to write programs for PC—1500 computers. Because space was limited, only three of the programs were disscussed, practical examples were used to explain the statistical significance and methods.
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