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引用本文:缪苗,刘晃,宿墨,张成林,王健,徐琰斐. 一带一路背景下中泰渔业合作前景探析[J]. 农学学报, 2019, 9(9): 61-67. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18120013
作者姓名:缪苗  刘晃  宿墨  张成林  王健  徐琰斐
基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(2018GH02)“一带一路国家渔业走出去可行性研究”;农业农村部农业国际合作交流项 目“一带一路”热带国家水产养殖科技创新合作专项资金。
摘    要:泰国渔业资源丰富,是世界重要的水产品生产国,也是世界主要的水产品进出口国之一。文章在实地走访、参观和调研泰国农业与合作社部渔业司、宋卡沿海养殖研究与发展中心及泰国部分养殖企业的基础上,借助泰国渔业司提供的资料、东南亚渔业发展中心资料库、联合国粮农组织渔业统计数据库和联合国商品贸易统计数据库,对泰国渔业的产量、生产方式、水产品品种、水产品消费、水产品进出口贸易情况以及泰国渔业管理部门、主要的渔业政策进行简要介绍,分析泰国渔业发展的需求和中泰进行渔业双边合作的可行性,结合“一带一路”重大倡议及中国渔业“走出去”的方针政策,提出了中泰渔业合作的建议,以期为下一步中泰渔业合作规范有序的开展提供有益的借鉴。

关 键 词:空心化  空心化  人口  土地  产业  均方差决策法  TOPSIS模型  

Prospects of Sino-Thai Fishery Cooperation Under the Belt and Road Initiative
Abstract:Thailand is rich in fishery resources and is one of the important seafood producers as well as import and export countries of aquatic products in the world. The authors paid a visit to Thailand and conducted a field study on the Department of Fisheries of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand, Songkhla Coastal Aquaculture Research and Development Center and some aquaculture enterprises in Thailand. Based on all the materials collected, the article first elaborates the output and production mode of Thailand’s fishery, the species, consumption and import and export of aquatic products as well as the fishery administrative departments and main fishery policies of Thailand, and then analyzes the demand of fishery development in Thailand and the feasibility of Sino-Thai fishery cooperation. Lastly, the article puts forward suggestions on Sino-Thai bilateral fishery cooperation including building information sharing service platform and technology exchange platform, setting up overseas demonstration zones and strengthening economic and trade exchanges by combining the Belt and Road initiative and the‘going out’policy of China’s fishery industry, with the aim to provide a useful reference for the development of Sino-Thai fishery cooperation.
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