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引用本文:金显仕,窦硕增,单秀娟,王震宇,万瑞景,卞晓东. 我国近海渔业资源可持续产出基础研究的热点问题[J]. 渔业科学进展, 2015, 36(1): 124-131
作者姓名:金显仕  窦硕增  单秀娟  王震宇  万瑞景  卞晓东
作者单位:1. 农业部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室 山东省渔业资源与生态环境重点实验室 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 青岛 266071
2. 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室 中国科学院海洋研究所 青岛 266071
3. 教育部海洋环境与生态重点实验室 中国海洋大学 青岛 266100
摘    要:近海具有极其重要的生态服务功能,是众多渔业生物的关键栖息地和优良渔场,支撑着近海渔业资源的补充和可持续生产。在我国,近海渔业提供90%以上的海洋捕捞产量,是我国优质蛋白的重要来源。目前,因过度捕捞直接造成的资源量骤减、及大规模围填海工程、陆源污染和海水养殖等高强度人类活动的加剧,近海资源和环境问题日益凸显,如:富营养化导致的赤潮、水母暴发等生态灾害,湿地减少引起产卵场、育幼场碎片化或功能消失等,使得近海渔业资源的补充和可持续性严重受损。渔业资源的补充过程是海洋生物、物理作用耦合的过程,依赖复杂多样的环境驱动因子来调节和维系可持续渔业生产。而渔业种群早期生活史阶段是其生命中最脆弱、对栖息环境变化的敏感性最强的阶段,小规模环境变化也可能会对其资源补充过程产生剧烈影响。因此,渔业种群早期生活史的关键生境(产卵场、育幼场等)和过程(繁殖发育、存活生长等)对环境变化的响应机制及其资源效应的研究成为海洋生态系统演变和生物资源可持续产出前沿领域的重点和热点。作者在综合国内外相关研究动态和我国近海渔业生态系统存在的突出问题的基础上,展望并分析了关键栖息地的形成和变迁过程与机理、关键资源补充过程与机制、渔业种群对生境变化的适应性响应以及资源效应的综合评估与模型分析等研究热点,期待为我国该研究领域的发展起抛砖引玉之用。

关 键 词:渔业种群  补充过程  资源效应  环境变化

Hot Spots of Frontiers in the Research of Sustainable Yield of Chinese Inshore Fishery
Abstract:The inshore water areas are the major habitats and fishing grounds of many commercial species. Chinese inshore fisheries accounts for more than 90% of the total marine catches, and is an important resource of high-quality proteins for Chinese people. Currently the inshore fishery resources have been markedly declining due to the combination of overfishing and other excessive human activities (e.g. large-scale reclamation, pollution and mariculture). The sustainable production of many inshore fishery species has been impaired by adverse ecological change, such as the eutrophication-induced red tide and jellyfish bloom, and the fragmentation and defunctionalization of spawning and nursery grounds caused by the loss of wetlands. The recruitment of fishery populations is generally regulated by the interaction between the biological and physical processes in marine ecosystems which can be largely affected by the changes in environmental factors. To better understand the succession of marine ecosystem and sustainable yield of marine fishery populations, it is crucial to investigate how environmental changes affect the habitats and recruitment of fishery populations, especially at their early life stages. In this paper we reviewed literatures regarding these topics and analyzed the current situation of Chinese inshore fishery and the relevant problems of inshore ecosystems. We proposed and discussed four promising topics in future study: 1) fundamental and long-term changes in spawning and nursery grounds of fishery populations; 2) recruitment of fishery populations and the environmental driving forces; 3) adaptive strategies of fishery populations to environmental changes; and 4) evaluation of the effects of environmental changes on fishery population dynamics. These prospective studies are expected to provide essential knowledge that helps with the conservation of fishery habitats and resources as well as the improvement of sustainable development of inshore fisheries in China.
Keywords:Fishery populations  Recruitment  Impacts on fishery resources  Environmental changes
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