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引用本文:徐宝晨. 新型职业农民培训绩效评估与提升对策研究——以温州市为例[J]. 现代农业科技, 2019, 0(18)
摘    要:为掌握新型职业农民培训绩效,提升培训效果,本研究选取温州市部分新型职业农民作为调研样本,通过问卷调查分析其培训满意度及主要培训需求得出,大部分学员参训意愿强烈、对培训内容能够基本掌握并应用且认为参加培训对收入有提升作用,参训满意度较高;培训需求方面,新型职业农民对培训内容针对性的关注度较高,对培训方式选择具有多元化、实践性特点取向,对于培训机构有不同的选择偏好。据此提出,满足新型职业农民培训需求,提升培训绩效,完善新型职业农民培训体系、建立需求导向的培训精准供给机制、畅通新型职业农民培训需求获取渠道、严格培训机构准入要求、构建以学员满意度为导向的培训绩效评价机制意义重大。

关 键 词:新型职业农民  培训  绩效  满意度  浙江温州

Research on training performance evaluationSofNew occupation farmers and countermeasures to promote it
Abstract:To get the trainingSperformance of new occupation farmers, promote the effect of training, the study selected some new occupation farmers of wenzhou as theSresearchSsample, used aSquestionnaireStoSanalyze the satisfaction degree and requirement of training, results show that most of trainees have strong willing inparticipating the training, could accept the training program and apply it to production. They also consider that training is beneficial to improving the incoming and show a high satisfaction. For the requirement of training, they pay great attention on pertinence of training content, show characteristic of diversification and practicalness on selecting the training method. For training institution, they have their own preference. Based on the study, we conclude that to satisfy the requirement of new occupation farmers and improve the performance of training, improving the training system, establishing the demand-oriented training precise supply mechanism, smoothing the demand acquisition channel of trainers, improving the entrySrequirements oftraining institution and establishing the evaluation system for training performancebased on satisfaction of trainers are necessary.
Keywords:new occupation farmers   training  performance   satisfaction degree   requirement   promotion
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