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Standards and corporate reconstruction in the Michigan dry bean industry
Authors:Jim Bingen  Andile Siyengo
Affiliation:(1) Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Abstract:Since the turn of the lastcentury, Michigan farmers, elevators, and stategovernment have used production and processstandards to shape the dry bean industry totheir interests and set a worldwide standardfor quality dry beans. Over the last 20 years,however, multinational agro/food firms haveintroduced their market criteria into standardssetting, and recent changes in Michigan beanstandards largely accommodate the interests ofthese firms. A review of the changes in thesestandards over time allows us to explore howconcepts of accountability and control improveour understanding of changes in the structureand operation of food production and marketing.What is the measure of state governmentaccountability to corporate capital and to thestate's bean farmers? In what ways can farmersuse standards to re-assert their priorities andgain a greater measure of influence overmarketing? What challenges do changing qualitystandards pose for public research as well asfor the institutions representing Michiganfarmers and elevators?
Keywords:Accountability  Bean elevators  Dry beans  Food and agricultural standards  Grades  Negotiation  Processors and canners  Regulations
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