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引用本文:黄山美. 发展低碳农业的碳市场机制初探[J]. 中国农学通报, 2011, 27(8): 395-401
摘    要:文章综合分析了国际碳市场成因、机制、体系和标准,以及国内碳市场最新动态,文章认为:国际碳市场是国际碳补偿机制、碳排放权交易制度、以及交易平台的总和,是发达国家为实现低成本减排应对全球气候变暖而创置的一种崭新的市场机制;国际碳市场中有很多涉及到低碳农业的碳补偿项目标准,且标准日趋成熟,善加利用将会推动我国造林、再造林、森林保护、农林混合作业、生物工程、可再生能源、绿色农产品、有机农产品、废弃物综合利用等农业碳汇产业,和低碳排放农业技术进步。文章提出:在当前经济贸易全球化和社会主义市场经济体制背景下,充分发挥市场机制,遵照国际碳补偿项目标准、利用好国际、国内两个碳市场,是我国充分利用外资和国内社会资本发展低碳农业,实施工业反哺农业、城乡一体化发展战略的有效途径。

关 键 词:禽流感病毒  禽流感病毒  血凝素  H7N7  抗原表位  

A preliminary Study on carbon market mechanisms for the development of low-carbon agriculture
Huang Shanmei. A preliminary Study on carbon market mechanisms for the development of low-carbon agriculture[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2011, 27(8): 395-401
Authors:Huang Shanmei
Affiliation:Huang Shanmei (Institute of Agricultural Science,Tongling Anhui 244000)
Abstract:Comprehensive analysis of the causes,mechanisms,systems and standards of the international carbon markets,as well as updates in domestic carbon market,was studied in the paper.The international carbon market was viewed composed of international compensation mechanism for carbon,carbon emissions trading system as well as the trading platform,which was a brand new set of market mechanisms created by developed countries for low-cost emission reductions in face of global warming.Standards for carbon offset proj...
Keywords:low-carbon agriculture  carbon dioxide  The Koyoto Protocol  carbon market  standards for carbon offset projects  
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