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Phenolic Composition,Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Eryngium bornmuelleri leaf
Authors:Abdullah Dalar  Musa Türker  Dimitrios Zabaras  Izabela Konczak
Affiliation:1. CSIRO Animal Food and Health Sciences, North Ryde, NSW, Australia
2. Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Yüzüncü Y?l University, Van, Turkey
Abstract:Eryngium bornmuelleri Nab. (Tusî) is an endemic botanical from the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey traditionally used for preparation of herbal tea. Within this study, phenolic composition, antioxidant capacities and inhibitory activities towards selected digestive enzymes of E. bornmuelleri leaf were investigated. Sequential extracts, obtained by extraction of plant tissue by ethanol, acetone and water exhibited pronounced antioxidant capacities and in a dose-dependent manner suppressed the metabolic syndrome related enzymes: α-amylase, α-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase. All extracts contained high levels of phenolic compounds. Flavonoid glycosides were the main phytochemicals detected, with rutin as the major compound (70 % of total phenolics). Chlorogenic, hydroxybenzoic and caftaric acids as well as traces of caffeic, ferulic and rosmarinic acids were also detected. Correlation analysis indicated that phenolic compounds were the major sources of the enzyme-inhibitory activities. This study suggests that E. bornmuelleri leaf extracts can modulate the metabolism of sugars and fats through inhibition of the relevant digestive enzymes.
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