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Resistance to Sterol Demethylation Inhibitors in Ustilago maydis. III. Cross-Resistance Patterns and Sterol Analyses
Authors:Heilke Wellmann  Karl Schauz  Ralf Tiemann
Abstract:Two spontaneous triadimefon-resistant mutants of Ustilago maydis, 151ar/1 and 151ar/3, were investigated with regard to their extent of cross-resistance and their sterol composition to elicit indications about the specificity of the present resistance mechanisms. Testing resistance to various sterol biosynthesis inhibitors and toxicants with different modes of action, it could be demonstrated that, in the mutant 151ar/1, cross-resistance was limited to the sterol demethylation inhibitors (DMIs), whereas, in strain 151ar/3, resistance included most sterol biosynthesis inhibitors studied (DMIs, morpholines, piperidines, allylamines) as well as the unrelated compounds vinclozolin and cycloheximide. Sterol analyses showed that both mutants contained ergosterol as the main sterol component. In comparison with the sensitive reference strain, the mutant 151ar/1 had a slightly elevated content of C-14 methyl sterols, whereas in strain 151ar/3 the amount of ergosterol was increased. Triadimefon caused an accumulation of C-14 methyl sterols and a decrease in ergosterol content in the sensitive strain and the mutant 151ar/1, whereas the other strain 151ar/3 remained unaffected. The results indicate that several resistance mechanisms are probably operating in the two mutants.
Keywords:cross-resistance  sterols  DMI-resistance  Ustilago maydis  laboratory mutants  triadimefon
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