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Coccidiosis: T-lymphocyte-dependent effects of infection with Eimeria nieschulzi in rats
Authors:M.Elaine Rose  Patricia Hesketh
Affiliation:Houghton Poultry Research Station, Houghton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE17 2DA Great Britain
Abstract:The intestinal pathology caused by infection with Eimeria nieschulzi was investigated and comparisons were made between the effects in athymic nude (rnu/rnu) rats and their heterozygous (rnu/+) litter-mates. Most of the changes noted, i.e. increase in gut weight, partial villous atrophy and increased numbers of mast, goblet and pyroninophilic cells were shown to be largely or wholely thymus dependent. The numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes were decreased in both groups during the period of study. The peripheral blood leucocyte response was similar in both groups of rats during a primary infection but differed after a challenge inoculum, indicating that the secondary type of response which occurred in the rnu/+ rats was thymus dependent, as is resistance to reinfection.
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