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Estructura del estroma conjuntivo del epidídimo del bovino cebú (Bos indicus)
Authors:A. M. Orsi    C. A. Vicentini  M. M. Valente    J. A. de  Oliveira   J. E. Moreira   V. R. de  Melo
Affiliation:State University of São Paulo at Botucatu, C.P. 502, 18600 Botucatu, S. P., Brasil;*Bolsista de la >>Fundação de Amparo àPesquisa do Estado de São Paulo«, Brasil (Proc. 82/1488–7).
Abstract:Six adult Zébu cattle were used for a study of the histologic structure of the epididymus. Tissues were fixed in neutral formalin or in Bouin's solution. Tissues were prepared with parafin sectioning and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson and Mallory's trichrome stain and with aldehyde fuchsin and Gomori's argentamine stains. The structure of the connective tissue stroma is described and compared with that of other mammals. The presence of smooth muscle within the stroma and within the tunica albuginea is described for the Zébu.
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