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Accumulated chilling hours during endodormancy impact blooming and fruit shape development in peach(Prunus persica L.)
Abstract:Winter chill is essential for the growth and development of deciduous species. To understand the relationship between accumulated chilling hours during endodormancy and blooming and fruit shape development, we controlled chilling hours and investigated their effects on blooming date and fruit shape of peaches. The results showed that the number of days to full bloom date and the heat requirement for blooming were negatively correlated with accumulated chilling hours. Accumulated chilling hours were significantly negatively correlated with fruit shape index and fruit tip lengths, suggesting that the number of chilling hours affect the fruit shape development. Fewer accumulated chilling hours may be the major reason for longer fruit shape and protruding fruit tips. In conclusion, our results indicate specifically that decreased winter chilling hours can delay the bloom date and may lead to aberrant fruit shape development in peaches. Our study provides preliminary insights into the response of temperate fruit species to global climate change.
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