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引用本文:朱俊庆,郭敏明,张爱兰. 木橑尺蠖生物学特性及防治研究[J]. 茶叶科学, 1985, 0(1)
作者姓名:朱俊庆  郭敏明  张爱兰
摘    要:木橑尺蠖 Culcula panterinaria Bremer et Grey 是一种杂食性的尺蛾类害虫,在浙江杭州以蛹在茶树根际附近土中越冬,年发生2—3代。气温和相对湿度是影响木橑尺蠖生长、发育的主要环境条件。风可帮助初孵幼虫扩散,大暴雨可使低龄幼虫致死,土壤质地则影响入土化蛹深度。主要天敌是木橑尺蠖核型多角体病毒(NPV)。防治宜采用灯光诱杀、人工捕捉、保护利用天敌和化学农药综合措施。化学农药以3.12ppm 溴氰菊酯、12.5ppm 氯氰菊酯、20ppm 杀灭菊酯、40ppm 多虫畏、250ppm 喹硫磷及250ppm 灭幼脲Ⅲ效果较好。

Studies on the Bionomics and Control of Culcula Panterinaria Bremer et Grey
Abstract:The bionomics and control of Culcula panterinaria Bremer et Grey were investigatedduring 1981—1983 in Zhejiang Province.This pest appears 2—3 generations per yearand overwinters as pupae in the soil of tea plantation.The emergence of adults isoccurred from late of April to beginning of May for overwintered generation,earlyJuly to mid of July for the 1st generation and early September for the 2nd generation,respectively.The peaks of egg hatching for the 1st,2nd and 3rd generations areappeared in mid of May,mid of July and mid of September,respectively.Number ofeggs deposited per female of the overwintered,1st and 2nd generations are 1483,789 and 452,respectively.There are 4—5 times of moulting in the whole larvalperiod.The growth and development of the pest are influenced by ambient temperatureand humidity.The main natural enemies are NPV,and several bird species.Deltam-ethrin(3.12 ppm),Cvmbush(12.5 ppm),Fenverelate(20 ppm),S-5439(40 ppm).and Ekalux(250 ppm)have been showed with good performance to the larvae.Integrated control measures are discussed by the authors in this paper.
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