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Two subpopulations of Colletotrichum acutatum are responsible for anthracnose in strawberry and leatherleaf fern in Costa Rica
Authors:Michaela Schiller  Mette Lübeck  Thomas Sundelin  Luis Fernando Campos Meléndez  Solveig Danielsen  Dan Funck Jensen  Kenneth Madriz Ordeñana
Affiliation:(1) Department of Plant Biology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Thorvaldsensvej 40, Frederiksberg C, 1871 Copenhagen, Denmark;(2) Research Centre of Crop Protection (CIPROC), Faculty of Agronomy and Food Science, University of Costa Rica, BioTécnica Análisis Moleculares S.A., San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica;(3) Present address: Agricultural Sector Programme Support Danida, Royal Danish Embassy, Apdo. 4942, Managua, Nicaragua;(4) Present address: BioTécnica Análisis Moleculares S.A., San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica
Abstract:Strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa, and leatherleaf fern, Rumohra adiantiformis, are two important crops in Costa Rica. One of the most severe diseases affecting these crops is anthracnose, caused by members of the fungal genus, Colletotrichum (teleomorph; Glomerella). Eighty single-spore isolates from strawberry and leatherleaf fern were identified as Colletotrichum acutatum by species-specific PCR, and were further characterised by Universally Primed PCR (UP-PCR) fingerprinting analysis, and sequence analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Morphological differences, genotypic variation revealed by UP-PCR fingerprinting analysis, and a single sequence polymorphism within the ITS2 region were found between the isolates from strawberry and leatherleaf fern, respectively. The UPGMA cluster analysis of the fingerprints clearly separated the isolates derived from strawberry and leatherleaf fern into two different clusters. Pathogenicity assays on detached strawberry fruits confirmed the apparent difference between the two groups of isolates. It is therefore suggested that the pathogens responsible for strawberry anthracnose fruit rot and leatherleaf fern anthracnose in Costa Rica, belong to two distinct subpopulations of C. acutatum.
Keywords:anthracnose   Fragaria × ananassa   internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region  pathogenicity test   Rumohra adiantiformis   Universally Primed polymerase chain reaction (UP-PCR)
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