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Nitrogen mineralization of silk waste applied to soil under aerobic conditions
Authors:Akifumi Murase  Kayo Yonebayashi
Affiliation:Faculty of Agriculture , Kyoto Prefectural University , Kyoto , 606-8522 , Japan
Abstract:Silk waste which is a byproduct of silk reeling consists mainly of silk proteins such as sericin and fibroin. Although silk waste has a high N content (164 g kg-1) and low CjN ratio (2.16), net N mineralization in soil at 30°C under aerobic conditions was very slow (21.4% in 184 d). The N mineralization rate of silk waste applied to soil after hydrolysis with HCI was higher than that of untreated silk waste. The effect of hydrolysis with 0.2 M HCI for 60 min at 97°C on the net N mineralization for 56 d was twice as high as that with 1 M HCI for 60 min at 97°C. Molecular mass distribution of silk proteins shifted to the lower range by hydrolysis, whose effect with 1 M HCI was more pronounced than that with 0.2 M HCI. The content of the crystal region in silk protein was estimated to be approximately 45% based on the relationship between the reaction (acid hydrolysis) time and the weight of insoluble residues. X-ray diffraction patterns of these residues showed that the crystal structure persisted until at least 180 min after hydrolysis with 1 M HCI at 97°C. These results suggest that crystal regions and the scattered distribution in silk proteins inhibit the decomposition of silk waste in soil. Silk waste could thus be utilized as slow-release fertilizer.
Keywords:crystallinity  N mineralization  silk waste  slow-release fertilizer
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