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Isozymic polymorphism and phylogeny of 10 Lathyrus species
Authors:Nadia Ben Brahim  Amel Salhi  Nidhal Chtourou  Daniel Combes  Mohamed Marrakchi
Affiliation:(1) INRAT, Laboratoire de Botanique, rue Hédi Karray, 2049, Ariana, Tunisie;(2) Laboratoire de Génétique et de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Moléculaire, Tunisie;(3) Laboratoire d'Ecologie Moléculaire, Université de Pau et des Pays de Ladours, IBEAS, France
Abstract:Isozyme variation and phylogenetic relationships between ten annual andperennial Lathyrus species: L.aphaca, L.articulatus, L.cicera, L.hirsutus, L.latifolius, L.nissolia, L.odoratus, L.ochrus, L.sativus and L.sylvestris were studied. Four enzyme systems,leucine-amino-peptidase (LAP), 6-phosphogluconatedeshydrogenase (6-PGD), glutamateoxalo-acetate transaminase (GOT) and phosphoglucoisomerase(PGI) were analyzed, using gel electrophoresis. Fivepolymorphic loci were detected and eleven alleles were identified at these loci.Zymogram data revealed that almost all-present species studied exhibited isozymepolymorphism. L. latifolius andL. sylvestris maintain high levels ofisozyme diversity, which is probably associated with the perenniality of thesetwo species and their predominantly outcrossing reproduction system. Incontrast, the low level of genetic diversity observed in other species isattributed to their breeding systems. These species are annuals and have higherproportions of selfing. The distribution of genetic variation within and amongspecies showed large genetic differences between the analysed species.PGD-1 andPGD-2 loci contributed the most to thedistinction between species. GOT-2,LAP-1 and PGI-1loci contributed to the distinction within species. The low level of gene flowrevealed could be partly related to the high level of autogamy in the majorityof species. The regroupement of species revealed by Nei's genetic similarityagrees only in parte with Kupicha's classification based on morphologicalcharacters. Thus, these isozymic markers are important in germplasm collectionand conservation.
Keywords:Gene flow  Isozymes  Lathyrus  Phylogeny  Variation
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