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引用本文:孔德胤,智海,张富强,张连霞,韩军. 河套地区覆膜与裸地玉米随地积温变化的生长动态模型[J]. 中国农业气象, 2008, 29(1): 67-70
作者姓名:孔德胤  智海  张富强  张连霞  韩军
作者单位:1. 巴彦淖尔市农业气象科研所,临河,015000
2. 巴彦淖尔市气象局
摘    要:利用实测资料和Logistic方程,分覆膜和裸地两种情况建立玉米根系和地上部分干物质随地积温变化增长的动态模型,模型均通过了0.001水平的显著性检验。由模拟结果可见,覆膜玉米土壤耕层地温的增高,有效地促进了根系的生长,覆膜玉米根长、根干重、根数、根体积均比裸地玉米长(多)7.5cm、16.3g、17.5条、3.6cm^3;覆膜玉米株高、茎干重、叶干重、LAI、穗干重、地上部分干重也均比裸地玉米高(多)4.1cm、19.7g、3.2g、0.6、253.5g、455.4g。说明只要改善环境条件尤其是地温,就可以促进玉米生长和提高产量。

关 键 词:玉米  根系生长  地上部分生长  动态模型  河套地区  覆膜玉米  玉米生长  积温  变化  动态模型  Region  Autonomous  Inner  Plastic Film  Corn  Soil Temperature  Accumulated  Changes  Joint  Models  Growth  提高产量  环境条件  改善

Dynamic Growth Models Joint with Changes of Accumulated Soil Temperature for Corn Mulched and Unmulched with Plastic Film in Hetao Areas of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region
KONG De-yin,ZHI Hai,ZHANG Fu-qiang,ZHANG Lian-xia,HAN Jun. Dynamic Growth Models Joint with Changes of Accumulated Soil Temperature for Corn Mulched and Unmulched with Plastic Film in Hetao Areas of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region[J]. Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology, 2008, 29(1): 67-70
Authors:KONG De-yin  ZHI Hai  ZHANG Fu-qiang  ZHANG Lian-xia  HAN Jun
Abstract:Based on the observed data and logistic model, dynamic growth models joint with changes of the accumulated soil temperature for corn mulched and unmulched with plastic film in Hetao areas of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region were established. The simulated results showed that by plastic film mulching the soil temperature increased and the growth of corn roots was effectively accelerated. The length, dry matter number and bulk of roots by plastic film mulching were higher by 7.5cm, 16.2g, 17.5, 3.6 cm^3 respectively than that without mulching. The height of plant, dry matter of stem, dry matter of leaves, leaf area index and dry matter above ground were more by 4.1cm, 19.7g, 3.2g, 253.5g and 455.4g respectively than that without mulching. The corn growth and yield were improved by plastic film mulching.
Keywords:Corn   Root growth   Growth of corn above ground   Dynamic model
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