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引用本文:马任骝,王瑞琦,李德森,安生象,杨得真. 关于SS型多热源孵化机的试制和推广应用[J]. 山西农业大学学报(自然科学版), 1985, 0(1)
作者姓名:马任骝  王瑞琦  李德森  安生象  杨得真
摘    要:“SS型多热源孵化机”,是在“家禽温水缸孵化法”的基础上革新研制成功的,它是一种可利用多种热源和节约能源的孵化设备,主要用于鸡、鸭、鹅等家禽的人工孵化。 SS型多热源孵化机机体小、造价低,能在无电的情况下运用热水、蒸气、地热泉水、沼气、工厂废气、余热等热能来源孵化出雏鸡。可根据用户制造大、中、小型,轻便灵活,组装方便,尤其适用于无电少煤的地区和山区专业户、联合体使用。经多批次的孵化试验,平均出雏率达90%以上,健雏率近95%,平均孵化三只雏鸡只需要人民币约一分一厘钱,比电孵降低成本五倍多,经济效益明显。

On the Manufacture,Extension and Application of the poly-Energy Resource Hatching Machine-Type SS
Abstract:"The Hatching Machine of the Poly-Energy Resource-Type SS" has been made in Shanxiand Shaanxi prouinces. This machine has been improved from "The Hatching Method of warm water vat". "SS" is the initial of the provinces of Shanxi and Shaanxi. This is a hatching equipment. It may use various sources of energy and is energy saving It can be used to hatch domestic poultry-hen, duck, goose etc. Specialists consider it efficient, smaller in size and lower in cost. In case there is no electricity it can hatch chickn using warm water, steam, hot spring, methane, waste gases from factories and useless heat. For many times the hatching rate of the machine avergel over 90%. The percentage of healthy chicks was near 95%. The Average cost for every three chicks hatched was a little more than one cent. It is five times lower in cost than that of electrical hatchery. The saving Was obuious. Through extension the special household farmers achieved high percentages of hatchability and the healthy chicks. It proved to be a good and economic mac hihe. We have begun to produce. This machine in a small scale and provide for the special household farmers of poultry raisers every where in our Country and it will be improved in process of extension.
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