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引用本文:郭堂勋. 广西杧果流胶病发生情况调查[J]. 中国果业信息, 2015, 44(1)
摘    要:为了明确广西杧果流胶病的发生情况,于2012和2013年分别对百色市右江区、田东县、田阳县、武鸣县和灵山县等不同地区的杧果品种进行了流胶病发病情况调查。结果表明,广西杧果流胶病发生较为普遍和严重,平均病株率达50%以上,不同品种的发生为害情况差异显著。其中百色市右江区阳圩农场华屯分场、田阳县林逢镇福兰村、田阳县百育镇九合村的台农发病率分别高达98.1%、97.5%、97.4%,病情指数分别为13.7、12.5、10.7。武鸣的四季蜜杧发病率高达96.8%,病情指数为11.8,而田阳县百育镇九合村的红象牙发病率为30.2%,病情指数仅为1.5,受害较轻。在同一果园中,台农发病重,而红象牙、金煌杧发病较轻;同一植株上嫁接不同品种时,也是嫁接台农的发病重而嫁接红象牙、金煌杧的发病轻。

关 键 词:杧果流胶病,发生情况,调查

Ocurrence of mango gummosis in Guangxi
Abstract:In 2012 and 2013, an investigation of disease incidence and index of mango gummosis was conducted in different areas of Guangxi such as Tiandong, Tianyang, Wuming, Lingshan so as to determine the occurrence of the disease. The results indicated that mango gummosis was widespread and serious in Guangxi, with an average of over 50% disease incidence (DI). The disease incidence and index were significant different from each other in mango varieties. The disease incidence and index ocurred in mango trees of Tainong in Yangxu, Linpeng, Baiyu were 98.1%, 97.5%, 97.4% and 13.7, 12.5, 10.7, respectively. The disease incidence and index in mango trees of Sijimi were 96.8% and 11.8% respectively while with a disease incidence of 30.2% and an index of 1.5 in mango trees of Hongxiangya. The disease incidence and index were higher in mango trees of Tainong while lower in mango trees of Hongxiangya and Jinhuang, investigating in the same mango orchards. The disease incidence and index of mango trees of Tainong were also high then that of mango trees of Hongxiangya and Jinghuang, respectively.
Keywords:Mango gummosis   ocurrence   investigation
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