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引用本文:杨惠栋,彭良志,淳长品,付行政,凌丽俐,江才伦,曹立,袁高鹏,张梦娇. 奉节脐橙树体营养状况研究[J]. 中国果业信息, 2016, 45(2)
作者姓名:杨惠栋  彭良志  淳长品  付行政  凌丽俐  江才伦  曹立  袁高鹏  张梦娇
摘    要:为了解重庆三峡库区脐橙树体营养状况,以主产区奉节县为代表,2010-2013年期间对该县7个主产乡镇的191个脐橙园的当年生春梢营养枝叶片进行了营养元素含量分析。结果表明,树体营养元素失衡较严重,从叶片大中量营养元素看,叶片N含量充足且以过剩(偏高或过量,下同)为主,其过剩比例为58.11%;P含量以适宜和偏高为主,其比例分别为59.16%和31.94%;K含量以偏低为主,其含量不足(缺乏或者偏低,下同)的比例为56.03%。Ca含量以适宜和过剩为主,其比例分别为62.83%和30.89%;Mg和S含量不足的比例分别为31.94%和26.70%。从叶片的微量元素来看,叶片Fe元素含量最为丰富,其含量不足的比例仅5.76%;Mn和B处于适宜范围的果园比例也较高,分别为70.68%和62.07%;叶片Zn含量最为缺乏,含量不足的比例高达82.20%(缺乏比例达54.97%);叶片Cu含量不足的果园也较高,占51.84%。奉节脐橙树体存在严重的Zn含量不足,生产上应该重视补充Zn肥,适量补充K、Mg和Cu肥,以满足柑桔营养平衡施肥。

关 键 词:奉节;脐橙;叶片;营养元素;丰缺

Leaf Nutrient Status of Navel Orange in Fengjie, Chongqing
Abstract:In order to investigate the leaf nutrient status of navel orange trees in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area in Chongqing, leaf samples collected from 191 navel orange orchards in 7 main producing towns in Fengjie county of Chongqing city were analyzed. Results showed that the tested orchards suffered leaf nutrient element imbalance. N content was rich and 58.11% samples were in surplus (high or excess) range. P content in 59.16% samples was optimum and in 31.94% samples was high. K content in 56.03% samples was shortage (below the optimum range). Ca content in 62.83% and 30.89% samples was optimum and surplus, respectively. 31.94% and 26.70% leaf samples showed Mg and S shortage, respectively. As to the leaf microelements, Fe content in most samples was rich and only 5.76% of them showed shortage. Mn content in 70.68% samples and B content in 62.07% samples were in optimum range. Most orchards (82.20% leaf samples) suffered Zn shortage and 54.97% of them were Zn deficiency, and 51.84% samples were Cu shortage. Navel orange orchards in Fengjie county should be attached importance to the application of balance nutrient elements such as K, Mg, Zn and Cu .
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