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引用本文:汤陈腾. 可速必宁对肉种鸡产蛋后期生产性能的影响[J]. 福建畜牧兽医, 2016, 0(5): 15-17. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-4331.2016.05.007
作者单位:福建省宁德市畜牧站 352100
摘    要:目的:本试验在种鸡产蛋后期料中添加可速必宁(枯草芽孢杆菌),研究观察是否能够减缓产蛋后期产蛋率下降速度,提高种蛋的蛋壳质量、受精率及可售鸡苗率。方法:试验用2栋鸡群,各栋肉种鸡约7000羽。对照组使用常规饲料,全程试验由试验饲料与常规饲料相比,仅多添加了可速必宁,试验料每吨配合料添加300 g,其他饲料成分相同。饲喂方式皆采用自由采食,加料时间和次数每天都保持一致,并且在用常规药物预防与治疗时,药物品种、用药时间和数量相同。研究表明:肉种鸡产蛋后期料添加可速必宁有助于产蛋率稳定,提高种蛋蛋壳质量,提高受精率和鸡苗可售率。

关 键 词:枯草芽孢杆菌  死淘率  产蛋率  种蛋合格率  受精率

Effect of Calsporin on production performance of broiler breeder in later stage of laying cycle
Abstract:Purpose: This test is to add Calsporin (Bacillus subtilis)into breeder hens in later material and research on whether it can slow down the Descent speed of the rate of laying eggs in late period, improve the quality of eggshell, egg fertilization rate and avail-able seedling rate.Method: Experiment with 2 house chicken group, each house has about 7 000 birds, The test group using conven-tional feed. The full test by test feed and conventional feed compared to only add more Calsporin, test material per ton with the mate-rial to add 300 g while other feed ingredients are the same. Feeding method adopts free feeding, feeding time and the number of times keep consistent with conventional drugs every day, when use conventional drugs in prevention and treatment, choose varieties of drugs, time and quantity of medication the same. Research shows that Broiler breeder egg production post-material to add Calsporin con-tribute to the stability of egg production rate, improve egg eggshell quality, increase the fertilization rate and day-old chicks available for sale rate.
Keywords:Bacillus subtilis  Rate of death  Egg laying rate  Egg qualified rate  Egg fertilization rate
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