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Potential problems associated with the controlled release of anthelmintics in grazing animals
Authors:R P Herd
Abstract:A high, constant and sustained release of drug appears to be a major requirement to avoid a late season rise in pasture infectivity that may result in production losses in calves in autumn or Type II osteragiasis in the following spring. The timing of administration is of crucial importance and will vary in regions of different epidemiology, such as between northern and southern United States. Lack of a standard and reliable technique for pasture larval counts has resulted in some negative or erratic results which are open to question. Although controlled release anthelmintics offer advantages of convenience, a comparison of the economic benefits at present favours prophylactic treatment of dairy heifers with conventional anthelmintics 3 and 6 weeks after spring turnout in northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere. There is a serious risk that boluses based on controlled release by diffusion will behave like slow decaying insecticides and select strongly for drug resistance, especially if farmers administer them in succession throughout the grazing season. There are, however, 2 features in the design of a controlled release device that in theory may minimize the risk of rapid selection for resistance: a high and constant release of anthelmintic followed by a rapid decline to zero as the device becomes exhausted. Under these conditions, the device may even prolong the useful life of an anthelmintic to which resistance has already developed. This paper was presented at Pfizer Symposium on The Application of Sustained Release Anthelmintic Dosage Forms in the Control of Parasites in Grazing Animals at the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (W.A.A.V.P.) 10th International Conference, 18-20 August 1983, Perth, W.A., Australia.
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