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Die biologische Bekämpfung des Eukalyptusblattsaugers Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell) (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) durch die Erzwespe Psyllaephagus pilosus Noyes (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) – eine Erfolgsgeschichte in Kalifornien und Westeuropa, aber auch in Sachsen
Authors:Heinz Schnee  Dagmar Voigt  Barbara Kaufer
Affiliation:1. Fachbereich Pflanzliche Erzeugung, Au?enstelle Gro?p?sna, S?chsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Hinter den G?rten 6, 04463, Gro?p?sna, Germany
2. Botanischer Garten der TU Dresden, Stübelallee 2, 01307, Dresden, Germany
Abstract:The Australian psyllid Ctenarytaina eucalypti has been accidentally introduced into many parts of the world. In America as well as in Europe it caused severe damage on Eucalyptus cut-foliage plantations. Insecticide treatments have proven to be expensive and not-sustainable. Therefore a biocontrol project was carried out in the Center for Biological Control at Berkely, California. The search for a monophagous parasitoid of the blue gum psyllid in the natural habitat in Australia and New Zealand was successful. After quarantine for elimination of hyperparasitoids the natural enemy Psyllaephagus pilosus has been released in Californian Eucalyptus plantations since 1993. It established itself rapidly, resulting in a decrease of the pest below the economic threshold. Following this impressive effect the parasitoid has also been released in some West European countries. The rapid spread over great territories was similar. The parasitization rates reached 100 percent, providing a sustainable control of the psyllid. In the last years several accidental introductions of C. eucalypti into Germany occurred. The first record in Saxony was in 2000 in the botanical garden of the Dresden University of Technology on Eucalyptus globulus. However, the spontaneous attack of the blue gum psyllid by P. pilosus during the next two years eradicated the infestation. To avoid a possible threat to natural ecosystems, the well-directed future use of exotic biological control agents against unintentionally introduced pests is in urgent need of a legal regulation at the EU or national level in Germany. The FAO and EPPO standards on this topic should be considered as a basis for this.
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