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摘    要:烟草是重要的经济作物,其产量的高低及品质的优劣对烟农的收入影响很大。近年来,随着化肥施用量的增加,土壤板结、病虫害发生严重,这不仅影响了烟叶的产量、品质,也使烟农的收益大幅度下降。为此,开展了烟草如何合理施肥的研究。所谓合理施肥,就是根据烟草的需肥规律。选用最佳肥源及最好的施肥方法。通过进一步研究植物营养素对烤烟生长发育的影响,证明植物营养素含有烤烟生育所需的全部营养微量元素,用其给烤烟施肥,不但能提高烤烟的产量、改善品质,还能大幅度提高烤烟的抗病性,是生产安全、无公害烤烟的最佳肥源,也是烟农增产、增收的根本保障。

关 键 词:植物营养素  叶面喷施  烤烟  农艺性状  化学成分

Influence of Vegetable Nutrient on Flue-cured Tobacco's Growth and Development
Abstract:Tobacco, an important cash crop, largely impacts the income of tobacco fanner by its yield and quality. In recent years, the increase of applying chemical fertilizer has resulted in the severe occurrence of the sealing of soil as well as the damage by disease and insect, which not only affects the yield and quality of tobacco, but also dramatically decreases the income of tobacco farmer. We carried out the study on how to advisably fertilize tobacco therefore. By advisable fertilization, it means to select the best fertilizer and system of fertilization according to the regular rule of tobacco's demand on fertilizer. The study on the influence of vegetable nutrient on flue -cured tobacco' s growth and development demonstrates that vegetable nutrient contains all the microelement nutrition required by flue-cured tobacco. Therefore, fertilizing flue-cured tobacco with vegetable nutrient not only boosts the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco, but also greatly enhances its disease resistance. It is accordingly believed that vegetable nutrient is the best fertilizer for producing safe and pollution-free flue-cured tobacco as well as the fundamental insurance of the tobacco farmer to boost yield and income.
Keywords:Vegetable nutrient  Spray fertilization on the surface of leaf  Yield  Quality  Agricultural properties  Chemical composition and flue-cured tobacco  
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