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Biology and control of the apple canker fungus Neonectria ditissima (syn. N. galligena) from a Northwestern European perspective
Authors:R.W.S. Weber
Affiliation:1. Esteburg Fruit Research and Advisory Centre, Moorende 53, 21635, Jork, Germany
Abstract:A review of apple canker caused by Neonectria ditissima is presented for Northwestern Europe with a focus on the Lower Elbe region (Northern Germany). Whereas conidia released by rainsplash are produced mainly from spring to autumn, the liberation of wind-borne ascospores peaks in autumn and/or early spring. Infection occurs via natural as well as pruning-induced wounds, some of which are present throughout the year. Autumnal leaf scars are the most frequent entry point for N. ditissima. Wounds on tree trunks, especially bark cracks in the crotch regions, are potentially even more serious because cankers on trunks and leader shoots commonly cause the total loss of a tree. Surface moisture is a prerequisite for leaf scar infections but possibly not for an entry through other wounds. Irrespective of the entry route, successful infection of a wound requires a mass inoculum of at least 50–100 conidia or ascospores. Infections of trees originating in nurseries may enter a state of latency from which they can break out up to 3 years after the trees have been explanted into the production orchard. Streaks of brown wood discolourations can be caused both by systemic colonisation of the xylem by N. ditissima and by winter frost damage. Apple varieties may show pronounced differences in their sensitivity to canker. For highly susceptible varieties, this disease can be a major production-limiting factor. Flower infections by N. ditissima commonly lead to a pre-harvest rot at the blossom end of the fruit, whereas infections of the growing fruit before harvest lead to a storage rot. Rigorous pruning is an essential canker control measure. Chemical control during the growing season is achieved by apple scab fungicides such as dithianone, captan or dodine. At leaf fall and in winter, copper fungicides are indispensible for controlling canker on highly susceptible varieties in Northern Germany.
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