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Influence of litter on emergence and early growth of Quercusrugosa: a laboratory study
Authors:López-Barrera  Fabiola  González-Espinosa  Mario
Institution:(1) Departamento de Ecología y Sistemática Terrestres, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Apartado Postal 63, 29200 San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México
Abstract:Species-rich old-growth forests dominated by Quercus wereextensive in the highlands of Chiapas until a few decades ago. Current land-use is resulting in replacement of Quercus by Pinusspp. in the canopy of the remaining forest fragments, which areless diverse, drier, and more exposed to freezing temperatures.Forest floor and soil are also modified and may limit theregeneration of many woody species. We studied the influence oflitter type (pine needles vs. oak leaves), litter depth (0, 3, 6and 14 cm), and litter cover (3 cm vs. 0 cm of loose litter ontop of sowed acorns) on the emergence and growth of seedlings ofQuercus rugosa, a dominant tree in pine-oak forests. Seedlingemergence and establishment were affected by the interaction ofexperimental factors. Uncovered acorns on pine litter were moreexposed to desiccation; this effect was more evident with deeperlitter. Acorns sowed on oak litter were not affected by levels oflitter cover and litter depth. The results can be of use indefining further field studies, and practices of direct seedingfor restoration of pine-dominated stands.
Keywords:forest floor  germination  pine-oak forest  Pinus  seedbed  seedlings
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