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引用本文:尹炯,李文凤,罗志明,王晓燕,张荣跃,单红丽,仓晓燕,李婕,黄应昆. 云南甘蔗病虫害发生危害新特点及防控对策[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(32): 119-124. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18060036
作者姓名:尹炯  李文凤  罗志明  王晓燕  张荣跃  单红丽  仓晓燕  李婕  黄应昆
基金项目:云南省技术创新人才培养对象项目(2017HB085);国家现代农业产业技术体系(糖料)建设专项资金“甘蔗真菌性病害防控岗位科学家” (CARS-170303);云岭产业技术领军人才培养项目“甘蔗有害生物防控”(2018LJRC56);云南省现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金“云南省甘蔗产 业技术体系植物保护与病害研究岗位科学家”(YNGZTX-4-92)。
摘    要:甘蔗是我国主要的糖料作物,病虫害是甘蔗生产的最大威胁。近年来病虫害在云南的发生危害呈现出新的特点,主要表现为:一是常发性病虫害持续处于常发态势,二是次要病虫害上升为主要病虫害,三是病虫害混合发生,复合侵染,四是突发性危险性病虫害频发,暴发成灾。针对新特点从病源虫源、品种布局、气候条件和栽培管理等方面分析了其形成原因,提出了甘蔗病虫害绿色防控对策:一是严格执行甘蔗引种、调种检疫制度,选育推广抗病、抗虫健康种苗,二是完善甘蔗病虫害监测预警体系,提升安全科学用药水平,三是集成绿色防控技术模式,探索优化推广机制,四是建立健全应急防控机制,大力推进统防统治,五是创新科技培训机制,宣传普及植保新技术。

关 键 词:造纸法再造烟叶  造纸法再造烟叶  储存时间  外观颜色  致香成分  感官评吸质量  

New Occurrence Characteristics and Control Strategies of Sugarcane Diseases and Insect Pests in Yunnan
Abstract:Sugarcane is the main sugar crop in China, and the diseases and insect pests are the greatest threat to sugarcane production. In recent years, the occurrence of sugarcane diseases and insect pests has presented new characteristics. The main changes are: firstly, the common diseases and insect pests are frequent occurred constantly; secondly, the secondary diseases and insect pests are raised to the main diseases and insect pests; thirdly, the diseases and insect pests are mixed occurrence and infection; fourthly, sudden and dangerous diseases and insect pests outbreak frequently, causing a disaster. The causes of new characteristics are analyzed from the source of diseases and insect pests, distribution of sugarcane varieties, climatic conditions and cultivation management. The green control measures of sugarcane diseases and insect pests are provided in this paper. First, strictly enforce the quarantine procedures for the introduced and transferred sugarcane seedling, breed and popularize the disease-resistant and pest-resistant healthy seedling. Second, improve the monitoring and early warning system in sugarcane diseases and insect pests, enhance the safety and scientific use level of pesticides. Third, integrate the technical mode of green control and explore the optimization and promotion mechanism. Fourth, establish and improve the emergency control mechanism, vigorously promote for the large-scale diseases and insect pests prevention. Fifth, innovate the technology training mechanism, publicize and popularize the new technology of plant protection.
Keywords:Sugarcane   diseases and insect pests   occurrence and damage   control strategies
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