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引用本文:何鹏,涂美艳,高文波,李晓,林正雨. 四川省猕猴桃生态气候适宜性分析及精细区划研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(36): 124-132. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18080082
作者姓名:何鹏  涂美艳  高文波  李晓  林正雨
基金项目:四川省科技厅软科学项目“基于精细区划的农产品气候品质认证评价指标体系研究”(2017ZR0045);四川省科技支撑计划项目“智慧果园 智能化技术及装备引进与示范”(2016NZ0114)。
摘    要:利用四川省145个气象站点1981-2010年30a的气象数据,通过分析四川省主要猕猴桃产区县气候特点和影响猕猴桃生长的关键气象因子,选择了年均温、1月均温、7月均温、≥10℃积温、年降水、无霜期、相对湿度、日照作为四川猕猴桃生态气候适宜性区划指标,应用GIS空间插值技术推算出四川无测站区域500m*500m网格点上的气候要素值,采用模糊综合评判的方法确定区划指标权重,得到四川猕猴桃精细化气候适宜性区划图,再选择越冬冻害、芽膨大期冻害和日灼三种猕猴桃生长期内主要气象灾害,进行气象灾害风险区划,进一步对气候适宜区进行细分,以期为四川省猕猴桃产业合理规划布局和品质评价提供科学依据。结果表明,四川省猕猴桃种植的气候适宜区较广,高适宜区面积约3.39×104km2,适宜区面积约8.73×104km2,较适宜区面积约8.46×104km2。初步分析整个四川盆地区均属于高适宜区,但是在加入三种气象灾害风险分析后,高适宜区进一步缩小到龙门山脉沿线和成都平原区。

关 键 词:欧美杨  欧美杨  组织培养  再生体系  

Analyzing and Zoning of Eco-climate Suitability of Kiwifruit in Sichuan
Abstract:Based on the climate data of 145 meteorological stations in Sichuan Province from 1981 to 2010, the climate suitability conditions of planting kiwifruit in those region were analyzed. Annual mean temperature, extreme maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, frost-free period, Relative humidity, sunshine hours were selected to be the climatic regionalization indices. the climate conditions were analyzed and the division indices of climate suitability were obtained by using experience orthogonal function method and fuzzy clustering method, then the climate suitability division of the kiwifruit was built using GIS technology. at last, risk zoning for meteorological disasters by the three kinds of meteorological disaster that kiwifruit during the growth period of winter freezing injury, bud enlargement injury and sunburn injury. Provide scientific basis for the rational layout and quality evaluation of kiwifruit industry in Sichuan Province. The results showed that, the most suitable region is about 3.39×104km2, suitable region is about 8.73×104km2, less suitable region is about 8.46×104km2. The preliminary analysis of the whole Sichuan Basin region belongs to the high suitable region, but after adding three kinds of meteorological disaster risk region, the high suitable region shrinks further to the Longmen mountain vein along with the Chengdu Plain region.
Keywords:kiwifruit   eco-climate   suitability   disaster risk   GIS   zoning
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