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引用本文:郭军玲,杨治平,郭彩霞,王永亮,金 辉. 含碳物料改良苏打盐化土的效果研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(32): 83-89. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17120006
作者姓名:郭军玲  杨治平  郭彩霞  王永亮  金 辉
基金项目:山西省基础研究项目青年科技研究基金“含碳物料改良苏打型盐碱土壤的机理研究”(2015021167);国家国际科技合作专项项目“内陆盐 碱土改良利用调控机理与技术合作研究”(2015DFA90990)。
摘    要:
为探讨含碳物料对饲草玉米生长发育的影响及对苏打盐化土的改良效果,明确研究区域不同含碳物料适宜推荐用量及较优改良物料,本文采用田间试验方法,以晋北典型的苏打盐化土为对象,研究了风化煤、生物炭、牛粪和秸秆四种含碳物料不同用量对饲草玉米出苗率、鲜草产量及土壤pH值、电导率(Ec)的影响,模拟分析了不同物料适宜推荐用量。试验结果表明:含碳物料有效提高了饲草玉米出苗率,施用风化煤、牛粪处理整体出苗情况优于生物炭、秸秆。施用含碳物料后鲜草产量表现出牛粪 > 风化煤 >生物炭>秸秆的变化趋势。与对照相比,施用各物料处理显著增产,牛粪150%opt处理产量76.83 t/hm2最高,风化煤opt处理产量70.30 t/hm2次之,较ck处理增产31.12 t/hm2、23.49 t/hm2。利用效应函数对物料各处理产量进行模拟分析,确定研究区域风化煤、生物碳、牛粪和秸秆适宜施用量为30.0~37.5t/hm2,24.0~27.0 t/hm2,52.5~63 t/hm2和54.0~60.0 t/hm2。施用含碳物料能降低土壤pH值,以风化煤降低效果最好,比对照下降0.09~0.66。不同含碳物料对土壤电导率的影响存在差异,牛粪调控根层盐分效果较好,施用后土壤电导率较对照明显降低。含碳物料还促进土壤有机质含量的增加,以风化煤效果最好。研究得出,含碳物料能促进苏打盐化土的改良和利用,风化煤、牛粪改良效果优于生物炭和秸秆,施用推荐用量能有效改善土壤环境,促进作物增产。

关 键 词:苏打盐化土  含碳物料  改良   风化煤  牛粪  生物炭  秸秆

Improvement Effect of Carbonaceous Materials on Soda Saline Soil
To study the effect of carbonaceous materials on forage corn growth and the improvement on soda saline soil, and obtain recommended amount of different materials and improve materials for the study area, an experiment is conducted on representative soda saline soil in northern Shanxi Province. We studied the effects of different application rates of four kinds of carbonaceous materials, including weathered coal, biochar, cattle manure and corn stalk. The results showed that the carbonaceous material effectively increased the emergence rate of forage corn. Weathered coal and cattle manure treatments were superior to that of biochar and corn stalk. Fresh grass yield followed a trend of cattle manure> weathered coal> biochar> corn stalk. The application of each carbonaceous material significantly increased the fresh grass yield. Cattle manure and weathered coal treatments had better growth characteristics, and cattle manure 150% opt treatment fresh yield (76.83 t/hm2) and weathered coal 100%opt treatment fresh yield (70.30 t/hm2) were higher than that of the control by 31.12 and 23.49 t/hm2, respectively. By the effect function method, we analyzed the yield of each material, and finally determined the suitable application rate of weathered coal, biochar, cattle manure and corn stalk in the study area was 30.0- 37.5, 24.0- 27.0, 52.5- 63.0 and 54.0- 60.0 t/hm2, respectively. Furthermore, application of carbonaceous material could reduce soil pH value. Weathered coal had the best effect, and the soil pH value was reduced by 0.09-0.66. Different carbon materials had different effects on soil electrical conductivity (EC). Cattle manure regulated soil salt better, soil EC of each treatment was significantly reduced in comparison with control. Carbonaceous materials could also increase soil organic matter and the weathered coal treatment had the best effects. All in all, carbonaceous materials could be used to improve and utilize soda saline soil. The effects of weathered coal and cattle manure applied to soil improvement are better than that of biochar and corn stalk, the recommended amount can effectively improve soil environment and increase crop yield.
Keywords:soda salinized soil   carbonaceous materials   improvement   weathered coal   biochar   cattle manure   corn stalk
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