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The dynamics of different organic and inorganic phosphorus fractions in soils from the south of Santa Fe province,Argentina

The effect of fractioning organic (Po) and inorganic (Pi) phosphorus components on phosphorus form and availability in long‐term cultivation (1) was studied. The study analyzed a Typic Argiudoll soil under three cropping systems: permanent pasture, long‐term cultivation, and mixed pasture and cultivation use. One soil had been cultivated for at least 50 years and one was cultivated for at least 30 years.

The effects of several modifications of these soils were analyzed. Short‐term modifications were determined in a greenhouse experiment in which two successive crops were grown after an initial fertilizer treatment. Long‐term cultivation induced a loss of P, which was considerably greater than the losses of total C or N. Similarly, decreases in pH, extractable P (2), resin‐extractable P, Na‐bicarbonate and Na‐hydroxide Pi, and Na‐bicarbonate Po indicated a long‐term loss of plant‐available Pi with management practices over time.

Increases in some forms of P were observed. Sodium‐hydroxide Po, an organic P form, did not show a significant trend but appeared to increase with years of cultivation. Resin‐extractable Pi was the only fraction that increased significantly as a result of P fertilization.

The relationship observed between dry weight and P concentration of greenhouse plants with the different organic and inorganic P fractions suggests that both types of determinations may be used to predict crop response to P fertilization.
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