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引用本文:黄龙全. 家蚕茧层含胶率与茧丝品质相关性研究[J]. 蚕业科学, 1989, 15(4): 225-227
摘    要:饲养39个蚕品种,对其茧层含胶率与茧丝品质指标间的相关性作了试验,并对302个蚕品种的资料进行了分析,结果表明,中系二化性品种的茧层含胶率与茧层量、茧层率、茧丝长、茧丝量间呈显著正相关,其他类型品种无显著相关;茧层含胶率与解舒率、茧丝纤度间呈一致性的负相关,比较平均含胶率:中一化四眠〈日一化四眠〈中一化三眠〈中二化四眠〈日二化四眠〈多化四眠〈欧一代四眠。

关 键 词:蚕茧 茧层 含胶率 茧丝品质 相关性

Bombyx mori Percentage of cocoon shell sericin Cocoon quality Correlative analysis
Abstract:The correlation between cocoon shell scricin percent and cocoon shell quality has been tested with 39 varieties and the characters of 302 varieties have been studicsd. The results arc as follows: 1) In the Chinese bivollinc strain there is markedly positive correlation between cocoon shell scricin percent and cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell ratio and cocoon silk length. While in other strains there isn't. 2) The unwinding ratio has negative correlation with cocoon shell scricin pcrctcnt. So do the fibre number. 3) According the strain, voltinc, moult, percent of cocoon shell scricin arc such as: Chinese monovoltinc (4th moult) < Japanese monovoltinc (4th moult) < Chinese monovoltinc (3rd moult) < Chinese bivollinc (4th moult) < Japanese bivoltinc (4th moult) < Mullivoltinc < European monvoHinc (4th moult).
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